Articles: mortality.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Oct 1981
Fatal amniotic fluid embolism during legally induced abortion, United States, 1972 to 1978.
Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) has emerged as an important cause of death from legally induced abortion. In the period 1972-1978, 12 probably and three autopsy-confirmed cases of fatal AFE during legally induced abortion were identified in the United States (12% of all deaths from legal abortion). ⋯ Because treatment is frequently ineffective, prevention of AFE is critical. Performing abortions early in pregnancy and using curettage techniques whenever feasible should reduce the risk of death from this obstetric accident during legally induced abortion.
Int J Gynaecol Obstet · Aug 1981
Maternal mortality at twelve teaching hospitals in Indonesia-an epidemiologic analysis.
Records on 36,062 maternity cases admitted to 12 teaching hospitals throughout Indonesia between 1977 and 1980 were analyzed. A hospital maternal mortality rate of 37.4/10,000 cases (39.0/10,000 live births) was derived that was about ten times higher than rates reported from developed countries in the early seventies. ⋯ It is postulated that if all pregnant women received adequate antenatal care, and if all women wanting no additional children were sterilized, maternal mortality would be cut in half. It is recommended that maternal health services in Indonesia be integrated into its successful family planning program.