Articles: health.
Injuries are the leading cause of medical encounters with over 2 million medical encounters for musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions and over 700,000 acute injuries per year. Musculoskeletal injuries (MSKIs) are by far the leading health and readiness problem of the U.S. Military. The Proceedings of the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics published a list of 12 data elements deemed necessary for injury prevention in the civilian population; however, there are no standardized list of common data elements (CDEs) across the DoD specifically designed to study MSKIs in the Military Health System (MHS). This study aims to address this gap in knowledge by defining CDEs across the DoD for MSKIs, establishing a CDE dictionary, and compiling other necessary information to quantify MSKI disease burden in the MHS. ⋯ This article identifies core data elements needed to understand and prevent MSKIs and where these data elements can be found. These elements should inform researchers and result in evidence-informed policy decisions supporting SM health to optimize military force readiness.
Cumulative low-level blast exposure during military training may be a significant occupational hazard, increasing the risk of poor long-term outcomes in brain function. US Public Law 116-92 section 717 mandates that US Department of Defense agencies document the blast exposure of each Service member to help inform later disability and health care decisions. However, which empirical measures of training blast exposure, such as the number of incidents, peak overpressure, or impulse, best inform changes in the neurobehavioral symptoms reflecting brain health have not been established. ⋯ These results indicate that measures of cumulative blast impulse may have utility in predicting changes in NSI scores. Such paired dosimetry-symptom measures are expected to be an important tool in safely guiding Service members' occupational exposure and optimizing force readiness and lethality.
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) established the Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry (AHOBPR) in 2014 to address exposure concerns for veterans who have served in military operations in Southwest Asia and Afghanistan. By 2021, over 236,086 veterans completed the online questionnaire and 60% requested an AHOBPR examination. Of those requesting an exam, only 12% had an exam recorded in their medical record. This article summarizes barriers and facilitators to delivering AHOBPR exams and shares lessons learned from facilities who have successfully implemented burn pit exams for veterans. ⋯ Gaps across many VHA facilities to provide AHOBPR exams may be understood as stemming from organizational issues related to clear delegation of responsibility and staffing issues. VHA facilities that wish to increase AHOBPR exams for veterans may need additional administrative and medical staff.
Veterans have a higher national suicide rate than non-veterans (31.6 versus 18.0 per 100,000). Psychotherapy and other treatments are effective at reducing suicidality, yet stigma and barriers to care reduce willingness to seek help. For veterans who do seek help, they are often undertreated leaving them still in need of help. Online mental health tools (OMHTs) provide another option for obtaining help; however, there is limited research regarding the relationship between stigma and barriers to care, OMHT use, and suicidality. We hypothesized that stigma and barriers are related to higher likelihood of OMHT use and OMHT use is related to lower likelihood of suicidality. ⋯ Findings reinforce the need for research aimed at identifying ways to reduce stigma and barriers toward seeking help. Online mental health tools are a viable option for individuals experiencing stigma and barriers and for individuals who previously experienced suicidality.
The prevalence of chronic pain of service members (SMs) in the U.S. is estimated to be higher (roughly 31-44%) compared to that of civilian population (26%). This higher prevalence is likely due to the high physical demands related combat and training injuries that are not immediately resolved and worsen over time. Mental Health America reports that chronic pain can lead to other mental health conditions such as severe anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Such mental health conditions can negatively affect job performance, reduce readiness for military duties, and often lead to patterns of misuse of opioid after SMs entering civilian life. The primary objective of this narrative review is to present a summarized guideline for the treatment of two types of pain that likely affect SMs, namely nociceptive somatic pain and neuropathic pain. This review focused on a stepwise approach starting with nonopioid interventions prior to opioid therapy. The secondary objective of this review is to elucidate the primary mechanisms of action and pathways associated with these two types of pain. ⋯ From the knowledge of the mechanisms of action and pathways, we can be more likely to identify the causative origins of pain. As a result, we can correctly diagnose the type of pain, properly develop an efficient and personalized treatment plan, minimize adverse effects, and optimize clinical outcomes. The guideline, however, does not serve as a substitute for clinical judgment in patient-centered decision-making. Medication choices should be individualized judiciously based on the patient's comorbid conditions, available social and economic resources, and the patient's preferences to balance the benefits and risks associated with various pain medications and to achieve optimal pain relief and improve the patient's quality of life.