Articles: health.
Neurorehabil Neural Repair · Jan 2014
Energy expenditure and exercise intensity of interactive video gaming in individuals poststroke.
Off-the-shelf activity-promoting video games (AVGs) are proposed as a tool for promoting regular physical activity among individuals poststroke. ⋯ Playing upper extremity (ie, Boxing) or mobility (ie, Run) AVGs in standing resulted in moderate EE and intensity for participants poststroke. EE was lower for poststroke than for able-bodied participants.
Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis · Jan 2014
Comparative StudySymptoms and impact of symptoms on function and health in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure in primary health care.
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic heart failure (CHF) seem to have several symptoms in common that impact health. However, methodological differences make this difficult to compare. ⋯ Patients with COPD and CHF seem to experience similar symptoms. There were no differences in how the patients perceived their functioning according to their cardinal symptoms; dyspnea and fatigue, and health. An intervention for both groups of patients to optimize the management of symptoms and improve function is probably more relevant in PHC than focusing on separate diagnosis groups.
J. Med. Internet Res. · Jan 2014
Online social networks that connect users to physical activity partners: a review and descriptive analysis.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have identified a lack of encouragement, support, or companionship from family and friends as a major barrier to physical activity. To overcome this barrier, online social networks are now actively leveraging principles of companion social support in novel ways. ⋯ Several major online social networks that connect users to physical activity partners currently exist and use standardized features to achieve their goals. Future research is needed to better understand how users utilize these features and how helpful they truly are.
By aggregating self-reported health statuses across millions of users, we seek to characterize the variety of health information discussed in Twitter. We describe a topic modeling framework for discovering health topics in Twitter, a social media website. This is an exploratory approach with the goal of understanding what health topics are commonly discussed in social media. ⋯ ATAM discovered 13 coherent clusters of Twitter messages, some of which correlate with seasonal influenza (r = 0.689) and allergies (r = 0.810) temporal surveillance data, as well as exercise (r = .534) and obesity (r = -.631) related geographic survey data in the United States. These results demonstrate that it is possible to automatically discover topics that attain statistically significant correlations with ground truth data, despite using minimal human supervision and no historical data to train the model, in contrast to prior work. Additionally, these results demonstrate that a single general-purpose model can identify many different health topics in social media.