Articles: health.
Comparative Study
Does respiratory health contribute to the effects of long-term air pollution exposure on cardiovascular mortality?
There is growing epidemiological evidence that short-term and long-term exposure to high levels of air pollution may increase cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In addition, epidemiological studies have shown an association between air pollution exposure and respiratory health. To what extent the association between cardiovascular mortality and air pollution is driven by the impact of air pollution on respiratory health is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate whether respiratory health at baseline contributes to the effects of long-term exposure to high levels of air pollution on cardiovascular mortality in a cohort of elderly women. ⋯ Respiratory health is a predictor for cardiovascular mortality. In women followed about 15 years after the baseline investigation at age 55 years long-term air pollution exposure and impaired respiratory health were independently associated with increased cardiovascular mortality.
J Community Psychol · Jan 2007
Racism is part of the foundation of U. S. society and institutions, yet few studies in community psychology or organizational studies have examined how racism affects organizations. ⋯ Grounded in systems theory and organizational empowerment, the framework is based on data that describe how racism was made manifest in a county public health department. The findings highlight the importance of understanding how organizations are influenced by external forces and can negatively affect clients, communities, and their own staff members.
AMIA Annu Symp Proc · Jan 2007
Using term frequency to identify trends in the media's coverage of health.
This poster describes a method of analyzing news reports to detect emerging trends in the media's coverage of health. The method examines term frequency and term usage in overall and health-specific news coverage. Term frequency calculation and analysis algorithms have been implemented in SalientNews, a news aggregation and analysis system. By using term frequency, SalientNews is now able to assist in the identification and analysis of emerging trends in the media's coverage of health.
BMC Int Health Hum Rights · Jan 2007
Comment LetterStructure, (governance) and health: authors reply.
This is a reply to the paper entitled Structure, (governance) and health: an unsolicited response by Daniel D Reidpath and Pascale Allotey.
The medical "brain drain" has been described as rich countries "looting" doctors and nurses from developing countries undermining their health systems and public health. However this "brain-drain" might also be seen as a success in the training and "export" of health professionals and the benefits this provides. This paper illustrates the arguments and possible policy options by focusing on the situation in one of the poorest countries in the world, Malawi. ⋯ There is concern about the negative impacts of the medical "brain-drain". However a closer look at the evidence for and against the medical "brain-drain" in Malawi suggests that there are potential gains in managing medical migration to produce outcomes that are beneficial to individuals, households and the country. Finally we present several policy options.