Articles: health.
Journal of hypertension · Mar 1998
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialA study of the interactive effects of oral contraceptive use and dietary fat intake on blood pressure, cardiovascular reactivity and glucose tolerance in normotensive women.
To investigate the interactive effects of oral contraceptive pill use and dietary fat intake on cardiovascular haemodynamics and metabolic parameters in young normotensive women. ⋯ These results confirm that oral contraceptive pills have the potential to cause adverse effects on blood pressure, cardiovascular reactivity and the insulin-production response to administration of glucose and suggest that some of the beneficial effects of a low-fat diet on these parameters may be negated in women taking oral contraceptive pills.
Genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is highly prevalent in sexually active young women. However, precise risk factors for HPV infection and its incidence and duration are not well known. ⋯ The incidence of HPV infection in sexually active young college women is high. The short duration of most HPV infections in these women suggests that the associated cervical dysplasia should be managed conservatively.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Randomised controlled trial of clinical outcome after chest radiograph in ambulatory acute lower-respiratory infection in children.
When available, chest radiographs are used widely in acute lower-respiratory-tract infections in children. Their impact on clinical outcome is unknown. ⋯ Chest radiograph did not affect clinical outcome in outpatient children with acute lower-respiratory infection. This lack of effect is independent of clinicians' experience. There are no clinically identifiable subgroups of children within the WHO case definition of pneumonia who are likely to benefit from a chest radiograph. We conclude that routine use of chest radiography is not beneficial in ambulatory children aged over 2 months with acute lower-respiratory-tract infection.
J Health Care Poor Underserved · Feb 1998
Exploratory analysis of factors associated with teens' repeated childbearing.
This study was designed to explore the factors regarding unique determinants of repeat childbearing among teens. The influence that key people have on subsequent teen childbearing is examined. ⋯ Based on the results, repeated childbearing appears to occur within the context of poor parent-child relations, conflicting support for the roles teen mothers are expected to assume, limited social pressures for effective fathering, and limited access to social services for all family members. Pregnancy prevention efforts by agencies for teen mothers should coordinate services for the teen mother, her parent, and her partner.
This descriptive study systematically described the quality and intensity of adolescents' pain during the progression of labor. The Gaston-Johansson Pain-o-Meter was administered to 33 adolescents during the three labor phases (2-4 cm, 5-7 cm, and 8-10 cm) following a contraction. The most frequently selected sensory words were cramping in Phase I and pressing in Phases II and III. ⋯ At-test of independent samples found that quality and intensity pain scores for primiparous and multiparous adolescent participants were not significantly different during the progression of labor. The findings of the study illustrate the value of using objective measures, such as the Gaston-Johansson Pain-O-Meter and the Gaston-Johansson Pain-O-Meter Visual Analogue Scale, to assess pain during labor. The study also demonstrated that nurses can use these tools with minimal training.