Articles: health.
Comparative Study
Maternal anthropometry and infant feeding practices in Israel in relation to growth in infancy: the North African Infant Feeding Study.
Relations between maternal anthropometric status during pregnancy and infant feeding practices and growth from birth through the first 6 mo of life were examined in a cohort of 351 Israeli mother-infant pairs of North African descent. Maternal weight, height, and triceps skinfold thicknesses were determined at 6 and 9 mo of pregnancy, while infants' weights and lengths were measured at birth and at 1, 2, 3, and 6 mo of age with concurrent collection of age-specific maternal-reported infant feeding data. On the basis of multiple-linear-regression analysis that adjusted for potential covariates, mean maternal weight at the first prenatal visit and at 6 and 9 mo of pregnancy were positively associated with birth length (P for trend in all cases < 0.0001) and with linear growth between birth and 1, 3, and 6 mo of age. ⋯ Moreover, maternal height, weight, and skinfold thickness at 6 and 9 mo of pregnancy were positively associated with mean birth weight. After adjustment for morbidity in the past month and other covariates, infants breast-fed exclusively had greater attained weight and weight gain in the first 3 mo compared with infants who were bottle-fed exclusively, breast-fed and bottle-fed, or solid-fed exclusively. These findings underscore the need for programs that improve the nutritional status of women before, during, and after pregnancy, and encourage exclusive breast-feeding of infants for at least the first 3 mo of life.
To increase the knowledge of nurses and doctors in an emergency department about the topic of domestic violence; to change any negative practices and attitudes toward victims; to increase knowledge of the referral processes for psychosocial aspects of domestic violence; and to increase knowledge of community resources for domestic violence victims. ⋯ Further research is needed into the beliefs and practices of nurses and doctors about domestic violence. The impact of this education program highlights the necessity for introducing training programs for health professionals on domestic violence problems.
Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Breast feeding practices in a teaching hospital of Calcutta before and after the adoption of BFHI (Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative).
A comparative study has been made on two groups of 102 mothers each who delivered children in the postnatal ward of obstetrics and gynaecology department of Calcutta National Medical College before and after the introduction of BFHI (Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative). The study revealed that only 14.3% of the babies who were delivered normally were given their first breast feed in time, the ideal time of half an hour, while not a single baby delivered by caesarean section were given their breast feed within the stipulated time period of 4-6 hours. ⋯ BFHI has also made significant reduction of prelacteal feeds and in-between feeds in the newborns especially those delivered normally. The fact that babies of first order and those delivered by caesarean section are lagging behind as far as exclusive breast feeding is concerned has been highlighted in the study.
The perinatal mortality rate (PNMR) is a key health status indicator. It is multifactorial in aetiology and is significantly influenced by the quality of health care. While there is an ethical imperative to act to improve quality of care when deficiencies are apparent, the lack of controls--when an interventions is applied to an entire service--makes it difficult to infer a causal relationship between the intervention and any subsequent change in PNMR. ⋯ The proportion of avoidable deaths fell from 19% in 1991 to zero in the second half of 1995 (p = 0.0008). While factors associated with perinatal mortality are many, complex, and interrelated, this report suggests that mortality can be reduced significantly in resource-poor settings by improving quality of health care. Including the measurement of avoidable deaths in perinatal audit allows the impact of interventions to be more rigorously assessed than by simple measuring the PNMR.