Articles: health.
This study was conducted to quantify the importance of trauma and death due to interpersonal violence in rural Lesotho and to gain an insight into the profile of the assault victims, the circumstances of the violent incidents and the type of weapons wielded and wounds inflicted. During a one-year period starting June 1988 information was recorded on all patients with assault trauma attending Quthing District Hospital. The annual incidence rate of assault on men between 20 and 49, the most affected age group, was estimated to be as high as 30 per 1000. ⋯ Women used stones, teeth or bare hands and feet equally frequently. The limited presence of firearms may have prevented higher death rates. It is suggested that the disruption of the social structure of the Basotho society through its dependence on migrant labour leads to weakened normative reference, the moral net, which is the underlying cause for the serious violence problem of the country.
Fieldwork conducted in Kpelle village in north-central Liberia revealed that health-care expenses constitute a major part of domestic spending. The actual transactions for major health-care expenditures are handled by men, typically using income that jointly belongs to the couple in addition to the husband's personal income. Women are likely to spend their personal incomes on minor health expenses for themselves and their children. Women's health expenditure, as well as their income handling arrangements, seem to differ according to the type of conjugal union they are in. Although Kpelle wives have input in most financial decisions, they tend to defer to men on issues which are associated with the Western world, namely Western health care, educational and tax expenditures.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Effect of intravenous diclofenac on pain and recovery profile after day-case laparoscopy.
Diclofenac sodium, 100 mg, or saline was given intravenously after the induction of anaesthesia to 169 patients undergoing outpatient gynaecological diagnostic laparoscopy or laparoscopic sterilization by tubal ligation. Propofol was used as the main anaesthetic agent and fentanyl and paracetamol were given for post-operative pain relief. In the post-anaesthesia care unit the amount of analgesics given and the incidence of nausea and vomiting were recorded. ⋯ However, patients in the tubal ligation group needed significantly more post-operative analgesia than patients in the laparoscopy group. Diclofenac had no influence on the rapidity of recovery or home readiness in either group. It is concluded that diclofenac has no influence on home readiness, but prevents postoperative pain in patients undergoing diagnostic laparoscopies, whereas it was not a potent enough analgesic to prevent pain after laparoscopic tubal ligation.