Articles: health.
The ability of military clinicians to conduct military medical research is often limited because of competing priorities and a lack of research mentorship. The Clinician-Scientist Investigator Opportunity Network (CSION) was developed with the intent of training clinicians how to engage in requirements-driven research within the DoD. ⋯ The CSION research education program is a 2-year additional duty research fellowship producing clinician-scientists conducting military-relevant medical research and publications and may be considered a low-cost/highly efficient alternative to achieve the reported benefits of the MD-PhD tract. The expansion of the CSION program may improve the quality of military medical research and health care.
Since the start of the Global War on Terrorism, exponential demands have been put on military personnel, their families, and the military health care system. In response to a Department of Defense Task Force on Mental Health, the U.S. military began developing and fielding programs to promote the psychological health of its personnel. As part of these initiatives, the Navy and Marine Corps developed the Stress Continuum model. The Stress Continuum is a stress classification system ("ready," "reacting," "injured," and "ill") that provides a common language for identifying, engaging, and intervening when stress reactions or stress injuries are present in military personnel. It is the foundation for resilience and prevention efforts across the Navy and Marine Corps. Although the Stress Continuum has strong face validity, is consistent with current theory, and has been agreed up by expert consensus, it has yet to be empirically validated. The goal of the current article is to begin to empirically validate the Stress Continuum using validated measures of psychological stress. ⋯ The Navy has recently leveraged the Stress Continuum to create the Stress-o-Meter to support the fundamental principles of early recognition, peer intervention, and connection to services at the unit level. The Stress-o-Meter serves as a prevention tool that has the capability to collect information about stress levels throughout the entire unit at any time. Continued work on validating the Stress Continuum model and making it easily accessible to military units will ensure service members get the support they need and leaders are able to address the psychological health of their units.
Prolonged exposure therapy is an effective treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder that is underutilized in health systems, including the military health system. Organizational barriers to prolonged exposure implementation have been hypothesized but not systematically examined. This multisite project sought to identify barriers to increasing the use of prolonged exposure across eight military treatment facilities and describe potential solutions to addressing these barriers. ⋯ The findings highlight the numerous organizational-level barriers to implementing evidence-based psychotherapy in the military health system and offer potential solutions that may be helpful in addressing the barriers.
The DoD and VA Infrastructure for Clinical Intelligence (DaVINCI) data-sharing initiative has bridged the gap between DoD and VA data. DaVINCI utilizes the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM) to map DoD and VA-specific health care codes to a standardized terminology. Although OMOP CDM provides a standardized longitudinal view of health care concepts, it fails in capturing multiple and changing relationships beneficiaries have with DoD and VA as it has a static (vs. yearly) person characteristic table. Furthermore, DoD and VA utilize different policies and terminology to identify their respective beneficiaries, which makes it difficult to track patients longitudinally. The primary purpose of this report is to provide a methodology for categorizing beneficiaries and creating continuous longitudinal patient records to maximize the use of the joint DoD and VA data in DaVINCI. ⋯ DaVINCI has successfully combined DoD and VA data and utilized OMOP CDM to standardize health care concepts. However, to fully maximize the potential of DaVINCI's DoD and VA OMOP databases, researchers must uniquely categorize the DaVINCI cohort and build longitudinal patient records across DoD and VA. Because of the low other health insurance rates among DoD enrollees and their choice to enroll to a DoD Primary Care Manager, we believe this population to be the least censored in the DoD. Applying a similar concept through VA's priority groups (1-5) would enable researchers to follow ADSMs as they transition from the military.
War has influenced the evolution of global neurosurgery throughout the past century. Armed conflict and mass casualty disasters (MCDs), including Humanitarian Assistance Disaster Relief missions, require military surgeons to innovate to meet extreme demands. However, the military medical apparatus is seldom integrated into the civilian health care sector. Neurosurgeons serving in the military have provided a pragmatic template for global neurosurgeons to emulate in humanitarian disaster responses. In this paper, we explore how wars and MCD have influenced innovations of growing interest in the resource-limited settings of global neurosurgery. ⋯ War and MCDs have catalyzed significant advancements in neurosurgical care both in the pre-hospital and inpatient settings. Most of these innovations originated in the military and subsequently spread to the civilian sector as military neurosurgeons and reservist civilian neurosurgeons returned from the battlefront or other low-resource locations. Military neurosurgeons have utilized their experience in low-resource settings to make volunteer global neurosurgery efforts in LMICs successful. LMICs have, by necessity, responded to challenges arising from resource shortages by developing innovative, context-specific care paradigms and technologies.