Articles: health.
Anemia is one of the severe clinical outcomes associated with concomitant infection of malaria and soil-transmitted helminths (STH). Since STH infections mostly share similar geographical areas with malaria, the influence of co-infections on the epidemiology and course of Anemia deserves greater consideration to assess the impact of interventions, the adequacy of strategies implemented, and the progress made in the fight against Anemia. So, this study was done to investigate Anemia among STH-negative malaria patients and malaria patients co-infected with single or multiple STHs, in 3 health facilities of Arba Minch, 2020 to 2021. ⋯ The mean hemoglobin concentration of malaria with multiple STHs co-infection study participants was significantly lower than mono malaria-infected and malaria with single STHs co-infection study participants. The management of malaria should take account of STH infections and optimal modalities of treatment should be devised. Anti-helminthic treatments of malaria patients through regular, inexpensive, single-dose, and highly effective drugs must be seriously considered to protect the population from exacerbation of Anemia by intestinal helminth infections.
This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing quality of life (QOL) among patients with corrosive injuries, considering the rising incidence of such cases, particularly in developing countries. Corrosive ingestion is a serious global public health problem and a common form of self-harm. This was a cross-sectional study using purposive sampling. ⋯ Stress perception was significantly negatively correlated with overall QOL. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that a history of mental illness was a significant factor for overall QOL. The results of this study suggest that a history of mental illness significantly affects the QOL of patients with corrosive gastrointestinal injuries, and regular assessment and monitoring are essential.
Bone development and lung function are integral to child and adolescent health. Both influence an individual's overall well-being and potentially affect long-term health. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, this study aims to elucidate the relationship between lung function and bone mineral density (BMD) in a representative sample of children and adolescents. ⋯ A significant positive relationship exists between lung function and BMD in the pediatric population. Recognizing this association is crucial for holistic health strategies for children and adolescents. This study underscores the need for integrated health monitoring during formative years, which can influence health trajectories as these individuals transition to adulthood.
Successful monitoring of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) remains a challenging problem after gynecological laparoscopy. Thus, this study aimed to create and validate predictive models for DVT with the help of machine learning (ML) algorithms. A total of 489 patients from the Cancer Biology Research Center, Tongji Hospital were included in the study between January 2017 and February 2023, and 35 clinical indicators from electronic health records (EHRs) were collected within 24h of patient admission. ⋯ The AUC values of the other two prediction models (ANNM and GLRM) range from 0.697 (95% CI: 0.639-0.755) and 0.813 (95% CI: 0.651-0.767). In summary, we explored the potential risk of DVT after gynecological laparoscopy, which helps clinicians identify high-risk patients before gynecological laparoscopy and make nursing interventions. However, external validation will be needed in the future.
To explore the association between body mass index (BMI) and total lumbar bone mineral density (BMD) in adults. This study included 9927 participants from 2011 to 2020 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). The date on BMI, total lumbar BMD and other covariates were collected. ⋯ The BMI saturation value was 21.2 kg/m2 in the total lumbar BMD based on saturation effects analysis models. There was nonlinear positive correlation between BMI and total lumbar BMD with saturation effect. For adults, keeping the BMI at a reasonable value (21.2 kg/m2) would obtain an optimal balance between BMI and total lumbar BMD.