Articles: health.
Rethinking how development assistance for health can catalyse progress on primary health care.
Global campaigns to control HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, and vaccine-preventable illnesses showed that large-scale impact can be achieved by using additional international financing to support selected, evidence-based, high-impact investment areas and to catalyse domestic resource mobilisation. Building on this paradigm, we make the case for targeting additional international funding for selected high-impact investments in primary health care. We have identified and costed a set of concrete, evidence-based investments that donors could support, which would be expected to have major impacts at an affordable cost. ⋯ The first is the digital tools and data that support facility, district, and national managers to improve processes, quality of care, and accountability across primary health care. The second is the educational, training, and supervisory systems needed to improve the quality of care. We estimate that with an additional international investment of between US$1·87 billion in a low-investment scenario and $3·85 billion in a high-investment scenario annually over the next 3 years, the international community could support the scale-up of this evidence-based package of investments in the 59 low-income and middle-income countries that are eligible for external financing from the World Bank Group's International Development Association.
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is characterized by carbohydrate metabolism intolerance during pregnancy in individuals with normal blood glucose levels before pregnancy. The first-line treatment for GDM is nutrition and exercise, and insulin therapy is initiated when these are insufficient. Pregnant women who are started on insulin often think that they use drugs that may be harmful to the baby. ⋯ Pregnant women diagnosed with GDM can define gestational diabetes because of the training provided. Because the pregnancy period is sensitive, pregnant women delay control and insulin application for the health of their babies. Moreover, they sometimes experience pain during the injection, and believe that it may harm their babies.