Addition of paracetamol or NSAIDs significantly reduces post-operative opioid consumption in children, although not demonstrably opioid side effects.
Perineural dexamethasone may improve post-op analgesia for sciatic blocks but not for ankle blocks when compared with systemic dexamethasone.
Intraoperative nitrous oxide use does not improve post-operative analgesia or reduce opioid consumption.
Greater depth of general anaesthesia as measured by Bispectral Index Score (target BIS 30-40) does not reduce post-operative pain.
Adjuvant perineural dexamethasone (4-10 mg) prolongs brachial plexus sensory and motor blockade by between 65% and 100% longer.
Peri-operative nicotine very slightly reduces opioid consumption in non-smokers but not pain scores — and increases the incidence of post-op nausea.
Neither speed of onset or duration of Labat sciatic block is influenced by volume or LA concentration when the total dose of mepivacaine is constant.
Intra-operative use of remifentanil may have a dose-response effect on inducing hyperalgesia and consequentially increasing post-operative pain.
Intrathecal clonidine slightly improves the analgesic effects of intrathecal morphine, though increases hypotension (harm ratio 1.8).
Intraoperative dexamethasone is not associated with wound infection or delayed healing, but does increase post-operative blood glucose levels.
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