Goal-directed fluid therapy offered no benefit over standard therapy in patients undergoing open radical cystectomy, although was associated with a higher incidence of acute kidney injury.
The Clinical Frailty Scale provides meaningful additional outcome prediction to traditional preoperative risk factors among non-cardiac surgery patients.
Remifentanil does not reduce the performance of BIS-based closed-loop propofol anesthesia with a remifentanil effect site concentration of 2.8-7.5 ng/mL.
Neither perioperative aspirin or clonidine show long-term benefit in terms of death, cardiovascular complication, cancer, or chronic pain at 1 year, except for a benefit of aspirin for patients with a history of PCI.
Sugammadex showed no benefit over neostigmine when assessed using PACU spirometry, muscle strength, TOFR or other indicators of recovery up to 2 hours post-reversal.
Careful planning and preparation before emergency cesarean section for COVID-19 infected parturient is essential to reduce healthcare worker infection and ensure mother & infant safety.