Point-of-care ultrasound performed by emergency physicians to diagnose intussusception has a diagnostic accuracy equivalent to radiology-performed ultrasound.
Intravenous resuscitation with balanced crystalloid fluids does not reduce mortality or kidney injury compared with normal saline in critically ill patients.
Major adverse cardiac events and death after electroconvulsive therapy are infrequent and occur in about 1 of 50 patients and after about 1 of 200 to 500 electroconvulsive therapy treatments.
The pectoralis-II myofascial block for breast cancer surgery is a safe and effective alternative to the paravertebral block, demonstrating non-inferiority for 24 hour pain and analgesia need.
When using supraglottic airways for laparoscopic surgery, the Ambu AuraGain® offers the highest oropharyngeal leak pressure before pneumoperitoneum, and the i-gel® the highest after pneumonperitoneum.