Treatment from female surgeons is associated with a lower 30 day mortality than the same from male surgeons.
Care from male surgeons and/or anaesthesiologists is associated with longer lengths of stay after cardiac surgery.
Female heart-attack patients are less likely to survive when treated by a male physician than a female physician.
Female patients treated by male surgeons more commonly experience post-operative complications and death than when treated by female surgeons.
Consuming a small amount of milk with tea does not slow gastric emptying when compared with the same volume of water.
High-dose epidural fentanyl does not slow gastric emptying in labouring women compared to low-dose fentanyl.
Although reducing excessive anaesthetic depth, closed-loop TIVA did not reduce postoperative neurocognitive complications when compared to manual BIS-guided TIVA.
Dexmedetomidine does not improve day 3 behaviour among 2-7 year olds after day case surgery.
Propofol-based TIVA may be associated with improved overall survival after cancer surgery than volatile anaesthesia.
Epidural analgesia for video-assisted thoracoscopic lung cancer surgery does not improve cancer recurrence or cancer-specific survival.
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