Article Notes
- Airway
- Cardiovascular & vascular
- General & physiology
- Head & neck
- Monitoring
- Obstetric
- Acute pain
- Chronic pain
- Pediatric anesthesia
- Preoperative management
- Postoperative care
- Pharmacology
- Regional & LA
- Pulmonary physiology
Fluid management and transfusion
It is ironic that as electronic access to medical literature becomes more pervasive, the ability for an individual to maintain a semblance of broad awareness of that body of knowledge becomes more difficult. (Tripathi, 2011)
- Perineural dexamethasone is probably safe, though conclusive safety evidence is still lacking.
- Systemic effects from IV dex is unlikely to explain the profound block prolongation.
- Prolongation is not enough on its own.
Is the effect exclusive to perineural dexamethasone? Several studies have observed similar effects for both IV and perineural dexamethasone (though less profound than other papers).
Is the effect safe? This is perhaps the most concerning, as there are suggestions that the effect may represent an enhancement of the well-known neurotoxicity of local anaesthetic agents.
A collection of the top 20 most cited pediatric anesthesiology papers of all time from Ravi Tripathi's excellent 2011 study:
Tripathi, R. A bibliometric search of citation classics in anesthesiology. BMC Anesthesiol. 2011 Jan 1;11:24.
These are probably 20 articles that every anaesthetist or anesthesiologist with even a small component of pediatric practice should be aware of – not necessarily because they are still practice changing, but because they our foundational to our current understanding and practice of pediatric anesthesia.
These articles help to both show where we have come from, and where we may be heading.
An excellent bibliographic study of the most cited anesthesia papers of all time, resulting in a collection of 600 papers across 15 subspecialty areas:
A collection of landmark papers relevant to anaesthesia and anesthesiology.
Generally, these papers are practice changing and hold current, ongoing significance beyond their historical importance.
This is a dynamic and changing document that will be updated, pruned and added to as appropriate. Many of these papers have free full-text provided by the publisher because of their significance.
A growing collection of landmark papers relevant to intensive care and critical care medicine.
These papers are practice changing and hold current, ongoing significance beyond their historical importance.
This is a dynamic and changing document that will be updated, pruned and added to as appropriate. Many of these papers have free full-text provided by the publisher because of their significance.
A cautionary summary of the benefits and potential risks of perineural dexamethasone.
"...there have been no reports of neurotoxicity or complications of any kind attributed to perineural dexamethasone in the nearly 700 patients who have received it in published studies of peripheral nerve blocks ... We must acknowledge that complications in regional anesthesia are rare, and 700 patients are woefully inadequate to declare dexamethasone safe for routine perineural use." (Noss 2014)
Noss concludes that:
The potential for dexamethasone and other glucocorticoids to prolong peripheral nerve blocks was first noted almost 20 years ago.
While the effect has been observed with several different blocks (upper & lower extremity, and even TAP blocks), the clinical significance varies and several questions still remain:
Hydroxyethyl starches, such as Hespan, Voluven, Volulyte, Tetrahes and Hestar, have been shown in several large trials to increase the risk of acute kidney injury (AKI) and/or the need for renal replacement therapies among critically ill patients, particulalry those suffering sepsis.
Evidence demonstrating harm among fit & healthy surgical patients is however lacking, notably Giles et al could find no increased risk of adverse event among surgical patients in their 2014 meta-analysis. Nonetheless, given the similar lack of demonstrable benefit of HES fluids for this group, avoidance of use in both the ICU and surgical population is prudent.
Evidence challenging, debunking or correcting long-held anesthesia dogma.