Focused cardiac ultrasound (FOCUS) can be management-altering in post-resuscitation care following cardiac arrest.
Perioperative magnesium reduces propofol induction and maintenance doses, and similarly reduces neuromuscular drug needs.
Local anesthetic infiltration provides the best balance of efficacy and risk for arthroscopic anterior crucial ligament repair.
Opioid-free general anesthesia is a viable anesthetic technique for breast and gynecological surgery.
Recent cannabis use is associated with greater post-operative pain and poorer sleep, after major orthopedic surgery.
I believe in the epidural adage “every dose is a test dose”... but in case you need convincing⇡
Invasive Respiratory or Vasopressor Support is a useful surrogate perioperative marker for prolonged hospital stay, and both in-hospital and long-term survival.
Recent cocaine use was not associated with intraoperative hemodynamic instability.
Personal internet use is the most common self-initiated distraction among nurse anaesthetists and anaesthesia trainees.
Self-initiated non-clinical distractions are common among anaesthesia providers, but were rarely associated with adverse events.
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