CPAP works but with a compliance rate of only 45%, in a research setting, perhaps the devil is in the detail as regards practicality!
The interaction has been well described in the lab and this study shows a small difference in children.
After total knee joint replacement, surgical infiltration with local anaesthesia gives better analgesia with fewer side effects than intrathecal morphine.
The use of a cognitive aid improves the performance of non-technical skills during simulated 'can't intubate, can't oxygenate' crisis.
Quadriceps strength is better preserved after adductor canal block for total knee arthroplasty than femoral nerve block with similar analgesic effect.
Cyclosporine administered at the time of cardiac reperfusion may reduce reperfusion injury from CPB, although with uncertain clinical benefit.
Desflurane and sevoflurane anaesthesia may be associated with reduced mortality after cardiac surgery compared with total intravenous anaesthesia.
Lidocaine with epinephrine is the most optimal solution for epidural top-up for emergency caesarean section. Adding fentanyl further speeds onset.
Posterior transversus abdominis plane block continues to reduce pain scores and opioid consumption at up to 48 hours, though with lesser magnitude.
Peri-operative systemic magnesium reduces postoperative pain and opioid consumption, although it is of uncertain clinical significance.
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