• Medicina · Sep 2020

    Case Reports

    Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Status as Refractory, Generalized Hypertonic Posturing: Report of Two Adolescents.

    • Giangennaro Coppola, Grazia Maria Giovanna Pastorino, Lucia Morcaldi, Floriana D'Onofrio, and Francesca Felicia Operto.
    • Department of Medicine, Clinic of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry, Surgery and Dentistry, Medical School University of Salerno, 84081 Baronissi, SA, Italy.
    • Medicina (Kaunas). 2020 Sep 28; 56 (10).

    AbstractPsychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) or dissociative seizures are found under the umbrella headings of functional/dissociative neurological disorders (FND) in psychiatric classifications (DSM-5; ICD-11). PNES are not characterized by any specific ictal or postictal EEG abnormalities. Patients with PNES can present with motor or non-motor symptoms, frequently associated with a change in the level of consciousness. PNES duration is variable, often longer than that of epileptic seizures. Prolonged PNES, sometimes termed PNES status, involve continuous or repetitive events that exceed 30 min. Prolonged PNES are often misdiagnosed as an epileptic event and are often inappropriately treated with high doses of antiseizure drugs. In this report, we describe two adolescent patients who presented with prolonged PNES characterized by generalized hypertonic posturing and low levels of consciousness. Despite multiple presentation to the Emergency department, and multiple normal video-EEG, the patients were misdiagnosed with epilepsy and were inappropriately treated with antiseizure medications. Both patients presented psychiatric comorbidity, consisting of a major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, social withdrawal, difficulty of social interaction, and anxious-perfectionist personality traits. The episodes of prolonged PNES gradually declined within 18 months in both patients.

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