Many medical practices run classified ads to seek applicants for job openings and do little else. Several effective recruitment strategies, however, can be used in addition to or instead of classified advertising. ⋯ The author also suggests ways to bring excellent former employees back to the fold. Finally, she offers practical tips for protecing yourself financially when hiring a new employee through an agency and paying a placement fee.
AbstractMany medical practices run classified ads to seek applicants for job openings and do little else. Several effective recruitment strategies, however, can be used in addition to or instead of classified advertising. In this article, the author suggests working both inside and outside the practice to draw in top-notch job applicants. She describes how local schools, employment agencies, and temporary agencies can help fill positions in medical practices and how such arrangements typically work. The author also suggests ways to bring excellent former employees back to the fold. Finally, she offers practical tips for protecing yourself financially when hiring a new employee through an agency and paying a placement fee.