Neuromuscular blocking drugs (NMBDs) can predispose patients with myasthenia gravis to postoperative paralysis and respiratory complications. We had a 12-year-old female patient undergoing thoracoscopic thymectomy. She had suffered from MGFA class IIa (mild systemic) myasthenia gravis for 4 months. ⋯ Intercostal nerve block with 0.2% ropivacaine was performed to relieve postoperative pain. TOF ratio was 32% at the end, when we gave 2 mg x kg(-1) of sugammadex to get 100% reversal of neuromuscular blockade in 120 seconds. There was no residual paralysis and respiratory complications postoperatively.
Department of Anesthesiology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo 160-8402.
Masui. 2012 Aug 1;61(8):855-8.
AbstractNeuromuscular blocking drugs (NMBDs) can predispose patients with myasthenia gravis to postoperative paralysis and respiratory complications. We had a 12-year-old female patient undergoing thoracoscopic thymectomy. She had suffered from MGFA class IIa (mild systemic) myasthenia gravis for 4 months. Anesthesia was induced with 3 mg x kg(-1) of thiopental and 0.2 mg x kg(-1) of rocuronium, which was given incrementally to achieve 100% blockade. Anesthesia was maintained with oxygen, air, 2% sevoflurane and 0.2 microg x kg(-1) x min(-1) of remifentanil. 0.05 mg x kg(-1) of rocuronium was added when the TOF ratio recovered to 20%. Towards the end of the surgery, remifentanil was withdrawn and 4 microg x kg(-1) of fentanyl was given. Intercostal nerve block with 0.2% ropivacaine was performed to relieve postoperative pain. TOF ratio was 32% at the end, when we gave 2 mg x kg(-1) of sugammadex to get 100% reversal of neuromuscular blockade in 120 seconds. There was no residual paralysis and respiratory complications postoperatively.