• Indian pediatrics · Oct 1994

    Multicenter Study Comparative Study

    Maternal weight, height and risk of poor pregnancy outcome in Ahmedabad, India.

    • D V Mavalankar, C C Trivedi, and R H Gray.
    • N.H.L. Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad.
    • Indian Pediatr. 1994 Oct 1;31(10):1205-12.

    AbstractThis paper explores the relationships between maternal weight, height and poor pregnancy outcome using a data set from a case-control study of low birth weight (LBW) and perinatal mortality in Ahmedabad, India. Maternal height and weights were compared between mothers of 611 perinatal deaths, 644 preterm-LBW, and 1465 normal birth weight controls as well as 617 small-for-gestational age (SGA) and 1851 appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) births. Weight and height were much lower in this population compared to western standards. Low weight and height were associated with increased risk of perinatal death, prematurity and SGA. After adjusting for confounders, maternal weight remained significantly associated with poor pregnancy outcomes, whereas height was only weakly associated. Attributable risk estimates show that low weight is a much more important contributor to poor outcome than low height. Improvement in maternal nutritional status could lead to substantial improvement in birth outcome in this population.

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