Turkish journal of emergency medicine
Ultrasound (US) is an effective modality in the evaluation of shoulder dislocation and reduction. In most studies, high frequency US probes have been used. ⋯ Low frequency US is highly accurate in diagnosing shoulder dislocation and its proper reduction. Thus it might be a good substitute for radiography in these situations.
Case Reports
A rare cause of acute abdomen in the ED: Chemotherapy-induced pneumatosis intestinalis.
Pneumatosis intestinalis (PI) and portomesenteric venous gas (PVG) refers to the presence of air within the intestinal wall and portomesenteric vessels. Most of the time, it is associated with mesenteric ischemia that requires immediate surgical intervention as it has high mortality rate. It may also be seen secondary to various conditions, including infections, surgeries, and some chemotherapeutic drugs. ⋯ Patient underwent urgent surgery due to the possibility of intestinal ischemia and infarction, but no necrosis was identified Chemotherapeutic drug-induced PI and PVG was the final diagnosis. Although PI and PVG are signs of mesenteric ischemia and intestinal necrosis most the of time, chemotherapeutic drugs may also cause PI and PVG rarely. Recent history of chemotheraphy and absence of any mesenteric vascular occlusion may be the diagnostic clue.
This study evaluated whether serum lactate levels (SLL) at admission in patients with cardiac arrest (CA) can predict successful return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) or short-term survival, especially within the first 24 h. ⋯ This study showed that in OHCA patients, SLL on admission was not associated with increased ROSC achievement or 24-h survival.