IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng · Mar 2003
Improved alignment method for noisy high-resolution ECG and Holter records using multiscale cross-correlation.
The coherent signal averaging process requires accurate estimation of a fiducial point in all beats to be averaged. The temporal cross-correlation between each detected beat and a template beat is the typical alignment method used with high-resolution electrocardiogram (HRECG) records. However, this technique does not produce a precise fiducial mark in records with high noise levels, like those found in Holter HRECG systems. ⋯ A second study with simulated records constructed from real Holter HRECG records is also presented. The results indicate that the multiscale alignment method produces a lower trigger jitter than the temporal method in all tests. We conclude that the proposed alignment method can be used in HRECG records with high noise levels.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng · Mar 2003
Analysis of heart rate variability in the presence of ectopic beats using the heart timing signal.
The time-domain signals representing the heart rate variability (HRV) in the presence of an ectopic beat exhibit a sharp transient at the position of the ectopic beat, which corrupts the signal, particularly the power spectral density (PSD) of the HRV. Consequently, there is a need for correction of this type of beat prior to any HRV analysis. This paper deals with the PSD estimation of the HRV by means of the heart timing (HT) signal when ectopic beats are present. ⋯ By using both, a white noise driven autoregressive model of the HRV signal with artificially introduced ectopic beats and actual heart rate series including ectopic beats, the more usual methods of HRV spectral estimation are compared. Results of the PSD estimation error function of the number of ectopic beats are presented. These results demonstrate that the proposed method has one order of magnitude lower error than usual ectopic beats removal strategies in preserving PSD, thus, this strategy better recovers the original clinical indexes of interest.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng · Mar 2003
Comparative Study Clinical TrialSelectivity of spatial filters for surface EMG detection from the tibialis anterior muscle.
Many spatial filters have been proposed for surface electromyographic (EMG) signal detection. Although theoretical and modeling predictions on spatial selectivity are available, there are no extensive experimental validations of these techniques based on single motor unit (MU) activity detection. The aim of this study was to compare spatial selectivity of one- and two-dimensional (1-D and 2-D) spatial filters for EMG signal detection. ⋯ The distance from the source (transversal with respect to the muscle fiber orientation) after which the surface detected potential did not exceed +/- 5% of the maximal peak-to-peak amplitude (detection distance) was statistically smaller for the 2-D systems and TDD than for the other filters. The MU action potential duration was significantly shorter with LDD and with the 2-D systems than with the other filters. The 2-D filters investigated (including C1) showed very similar performance and were, thus, considered equivalent from the point of view of spatial selectivity.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng · Mar 2003
Comparative StudyA fast and reliable technique for muscle activity detection from surface EMG signals.
The estimation of on-off timing of human skeletal muscles during movement is an important issue in surface electromyography (EMG) signal processing with relevant clinical applications. In this paper, a novel approach to address this issue is proposed. The method is based on the identification of single motor unit action potentials from the surface EMG signal with the use of the continuous wavelet transform. ⋯ The resultant bias of the onset estimate is lower than 40 ms and the standard deviation lower than 30 ms in case of additive colored Gaussian noise with signal-to-noise ratio as low as 2 dB. Comparison with previously developed methods was performed, and representative applications to experimental signals are presented. The method is designed for a complete real-time implementation and, thus, may be applied in clinical routine activity.