IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng · Oct 2005
Clinical TrialInterpretation of approximate entropy: analysis of intracranial pressure approximate entropy during acute intracranial hypertension.
We studied changes in intracranial pressure (ICP) complexity, estimated by the approximate entropy (ApEn) of the ICP signal, as subjects progressed from a state of normal ICP (< 20-25 mmHg) to acutely elevated ICP (an ICP "spike" defined as ICP > 25 mmHg for < or = 5 min). We hypothesized that the measures of intracranial pressure (ICP) complexity and irregularity would decrease during acute elevations in ICP. ⋯ This suggests that the complex regulatory mechanisms that govern intracranial pressure are disrupted during acute rises in ICP. Furthermore, we carried out a series of experiments where ApEn was used to analyze synthetic signals of different characteristics with the objective of gaining a better understanding of ApEn itself, especially its interpretation in biomedical signal analysis.
Beat detection algorithms have many clinical applications including pulse oximetry, cardiac arrhythmia detection, and cardiac output monitoring. Most of these algorithms have been developed by medical device companies and are proprietary. Thus, researchers who wish to investigate pulse contour analysis must rely on manual annotations or develop their own algorithms. ⋯ The algorithm incorporates a filter bank with variable cutoff frequencies, spectral estimates of the heart rate, rank-order nonlinear filters, and decision logic. We prospectively measured the performance of the algorithm compared to expert annotations of ICP, ABP, and SpO2 signals acquired from pediatric intensive care unit patients. The algorithm achieved a sensitivity of 99.36% and positive predictivity of 98.43% on a dataset consisting of 42,539 beats.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng · Oct 2005
Clinical TrialQualitative and quantitative evaluation of heart sound reduction from lung sound recordings.
Recursive least squares (RLS) adaptive noise cancellation (ANC) and wavelet transform (WT) ANC have been applied and compared for heart sound (HS) reduction from lung sounds (LS) recordings. Novel processes for quantitative and qualitative evaluation of any method for HS reduction from LS have also been proposed.
Herein, the well-known cable equation for nonmyelinated axon model is extended analytically for myelinated axon formulation. The myelinated membrane conductivity is represented via the Fourier series expansion. The classical cable equation is thereby modified into a linear second order ordinary differential equation with periodic coefficients, known as Hill's equation. ⋯ Indeed, the modified condition, enforcing the periodic membrane passivity constraint on the average conductivity only leads, for the first time, to the inclusion of the nerve fiber activation modes in our novel model. The validity of the generalized transmission-line and cable equation models for a myelinated nerve fiber, is verified herein through a rigorous Green's function formulation and numerical simulations for transmembrane potential induced in three-dimensional myelinated cylindrical cell. It is shown that the dominant pole contribution of the exact modal expansion is the transmembrane potential solution of our generalized model.