IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng · Jun 2013
Ultrasound probe and needle-guide calibration for robotic ultrasound scanning and needle targeting.
Image-to-robot registration is a typical step for robotic image-guided interventions. If the imaging device uses a portable imaging probe that is held by a robot, this registration is constant and has been commonly named probe calibration. The same applies to probes tracked by a position measurement device. ⋯ In vitro tests showed that the 3-D images were geometrically accurate, and an image-based needle targeting accuracy was 1.55 mm. These validate the probe calibration presented and the overall robotic system for needle targeting. Targeting accuracy is sufficient for targeting small, clinically significant prostatic cancer lesions, but actual in vivo targeting will include additional error components that will have to be determined.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng · Jun 2013
Consciousness and depth of anesthesia assessment based on Bayesian analysis of EEG signals.
This study applies Bayesian techniques to analyze EEG signals for the assessment of the consciousness and depth of anesthesia (DoA). This method takes the limiting large-sample normal distribution as posterior inferences to implement the Bayesian paradigm. The maximum a posterior (MAP) is applied to denoise the wavelet coefficients based on a shrinkage function. ⋯ In order to estimate the accuracy of DoA, the effect of sample n and variance τ on the maximum posterior probability is studied. The results show that the new index accurately estimates the patient's hypnotic states. Compared with the BIS index in some cases, the B(DoA) index can estimate the patient's hypnotic state in the case of poor signal quality.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng · Jun 2013
ECG signal quality during arrhythmia and its application to false alarm reduction.
An automated algorithm to assess electrocardiogram (ECG) quality for both normal and abnormal rhythms is presented for false arrhythmia alarm suppression of intensive care unit (ICU) monitors. A particular focus is given to the quality assessment of a wide variety of arrhythmias. Data from three databases were used: the Physionet Challenge 2011 dataset, the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database, and the MIMIC II database. ⋯ Additionally, the association between 4050 ICU alarms from the MIMIC II database and the signal quality, as evaluated by the classifier, was studied. Results suggest that the SQIs should be rhythm specific and that the classifier should be trained for each rhythm call independently. This would require a substantially increased set of labeled data in order to train an accurate algorithm.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng · Jun 2013
Optimization of mechanical ventilator settings for pulmonary disease states.
The selection of mechanical ventilator settings that ensure adequate oxygenation and carbon dioxide clearance while minimizing the risk of ventilator-associated lung injury (VALI) is a significant challenge for intensive-care clinicians. Current guidelines are largely based on previous experience combined with recommendations from a limited number of in vivo studies whose data are typically more applicable to populations than to individuals suffering from particular diseases of the lung. By combining validated computational models of pulmonary pathophysiology with global optimization algorithms, we generate in silico experiments to examine current practice and uncover optimal combinations of ventilator settings for individual patient and disease states. Formulating the problem as a multiobjective, multivariable constrained optimization problem, we compute settings of tidal volume, ventilation rate, inspiratory/expiratory ratio, positive end-expiratory pressure and inspired fraction of oxygen that optimally manage the tradeoffs between ensuring adequate oxygenation and carbon dioxide clearance and minimizing the risk of VALI for different pulmonary disease scenarios.