Journal of women's health
Journal of women's health · Jan 2021
Summary of Current Guidelines for Cervical Cancer Screening and Management of Abnormal Test Results: 2016-2020.
Cervical cancer can be prevented through routine screening and follow-up of abnormal results. Several guidelines have been published in the last 4 years from various medical societies and organizations. These guidelines aim to personalize screening and management, reducing unnecessary testing in low-risk patients and managing high-risk patients with more intensive follow-up. ⋯ For management, HPV testing is preferred to cytology because it is a more sensitive test for cancer precursor detection and also allows for precise risk stratification. Current risk-based screening and management strategies can improve care by reducing unnecessary tests and procedures in low-risk patients and focusing resources on high-risk patients. Knowledge of screening and management guidelines is important to improve adherence and avoid both over- and under-use of screening and colposcopy.
Journal of women's health · Jan 2021
Low Prenatal Vitamin D Metabolite Ratio and Subsequent Postpartum Depression Risk.
Background: Depression is a common complication of pregnancy and vitamin D deficiency is one biological risk factor for postpartum depression (PPD). Materials and Methods: We evaluated the ratio of 24,25(OH)2D and 25(OH)D serum concentrations referred to as the Vitamin D Metabolite Ratio (VMR), a new candidate biomarker during pregnancyand its relationship with PPD. Women were enrolled in the first trimester of pregnancy and followed through four timepoints. ⋯ Stepwise multiple logistic regression models for PPD risk were carried out with eight predictors. Results showed that only lower VMR, OR = 1.43, 95% CI 1.10-1.86, p = 0.007, and Hispanic/Latina identification, OR = 3.83, 95% CI 1.44-10.92, p = 0.007 were significantly associated with higher PPD risk. Conclusion: Routine prenatal screening for vitamin D metabolites, particularly in Hispanic/Latina women, may identify women at risk for PPD.
Journal of women's health · Jan 2021
Prescription Opioids and Patient Sex: A National Cross-Sectional Study.
Background: Surveillance data suggest that women are prescribed more opioid analgesics than men. It remains unclear whether these sex-related differences solely reflect the associations with other characteristics more prevalent among women (e.g., adverse socioeconomic and health status-related factors, and more contact with the health system). Materials and Methods: We examined the factors associated with opioid prescriptions and sex in a large, nationally representative U. ⋯ Conclusions: In this nationally representative sample, women received higher rates of prescription opioids, consistent with prior surveillance data. However, this relationship was attenuated with adjustment for sociodemographic and health status-related factors, and nonsignificant with adjustment for higher rates of nonnarcotic prescriptions among women. Higher opioid prescription rates in women may simply be reflective of these other factors, and the overall greater use of health care among women.
Journal of women's health · Jan 2021
Night Shift Work and Fecundability in Late Reproductive-Aged African American Women.
Background: We estimated the association between night shift work and fecundability among African American women. Methods: Black Women's Health Study participants (n = 560) aged 30-45 years reported their history of night shift work in 2005. Time to pregnancy for all pregnancies resulting in a livebirth was reported in 2011. ⋯ The FR for women reporting night shift work with a frequency of ≥1 time per month and a duration of ≥2 years was 0.65 (95% CI: 0.47-0.94) relative to women reporting no shift work. We observed a decrease in fecundability associated with ever working night shifts (FR = 0.74, 95% CI: 0.56-0.96) among women aged ≥35 years, but not among younger women (FR = 1.33, 95% CI: 0.78-2.28). Conclusion: A history of working night shifts was associated with reduced fecundability among older reproductive-aged African American women attempting pregnancy.