Journal of women's health
Journal of women's health · Jul 2024
Randomized Controlled TrialFactors Affecting Postpartum Bone Mineral Density in a Clinical Trial of Vitamin D Supplementation.
Background: Few studies evaluate the effects of vitamin D status and supplementation on maternal bone mineral density (BMD) during lactation and further lack inclusion of diverse racial/ethnic groups, body mass index (BMI), or physical activity. Objective: Determine the effects of vitamin D treatment/status, feeding type, BMI, race/ethnicity, and physical activity on postpartum women's BMD to 7 months. Methods: Women with singleton pregnancies beginning 4-6 weeks' postpartum were randomized into two treatment groups (400 or 6400 IU vitamin D/day). ⋯ Conclusion: While there was BMD loss during lactation to 7 months, the loss rate was less than previously reported, with notable racial/ethnic variation. Breastfeeding was associated with loss in BMD compared with formula-feeding women who gained BMD. Higher BMI and physical activity independently appeared to protect hip BMD, whereas higher vitamin D supplementation appeared protective against femoral neck BMD loss.
Journal of women's health · Jul 2024
Longitudinal Management of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Postpartum Women.
Background: Pregnancy-related cardiovascular (CV) conditions, including hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) and gestational diabetes (GDM), are associated with increased long-term CV risk. Methods: This retrospective cohort study defined the prevalence of HDP and GDM within a large, academic health system in the southeast United States between 2012 and 2015 and described health care utilization and routine CV screening up to 1-year following delivery among those with pregnancy-related CV conditions. Rates of follow-up visits and blood pressure, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and lipid screening in the first postpartum year were compared by provider type and pregnancy-related CV condition. ⋯ S. academic health system. Although overall rates of follow-up in the early postpartum period were high, gaps in longitudinal follow-up exist. Low rates of CV risk factor follow-up at 1 year indicate a missed opportunity for early CV prevention.
Journal of women's health · Jul 2024
Claims for Contraceptive Services and Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Testing Among Insured Adolescent and Young Adult Females in the United States.
Objective: To examine claims for reversible prescription contraceptives and chlamydia and gonorrhea testing among commercially and Medicaid-insured adolescent and young adult (AYA) females in the United States. Methods: Using IBM MarketScan Research Databases, we identified sexually active, nonpregnant AYA (15- to 24-year-old) females enrolled in 2018. We examined claims for reversible prescription contraceptives and chlamydia and gonorrhea testing, using drug names and diagnosis/procedure codes, by age-group in commercially and Medicaid-insured separately and by race/ethnicity in Medicaid-insured. ⋯ Conclusion: Approximately, two-thirds of commercially insured and more than half of Medicaid-insured, sexually active, nonpregnant AYA females had claims for reversible prescription contraceptives. Race/ethnicity data were available for Medicaid-insured females, and there were differences in claims for contraceptives and chlamydia and gonorrhea testing by race/ethnicity. Half of the AYA females had claims for chlamydia and gonorrhea testing suggesting missed opportunities.