A&A practice
A 16-year-old boy with Chiari 1 malformation presented for an elective suboccipital craniectomy and C1 laminectomy. His intraoperative course was uneventful. At the conclusion of the procedure, he met extubation criteria and followed commands. ⋯ He was reintubated via videolaryngoscopy, which showed edema not only to the tongue, but also to the posterior pharynx and blisters over the vocal folds and epiglottis. The patient was transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit intubated and sedated. This report describes the clinical course of his massive macroglossia and discusses short- and long-term management.
We present a case of a 2-year-old boy who underwent thoracoscopic resection of a left paraspinal mediastinal mass and developed Harlequin syndrome postoperatively. Harlequin syndrome is a rare neurological condition characterized by unilateral hyperhidrosis and erythema of the head and neck. Our discussion highlights this condition and other differential diagnoses that may present similarly in the postoperative period.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of peripartum death in the United States during pregnancy. The presence of concomitant diagnoses may complicate or conflict with the management of the primary cardiovascular diagnosis and further complicate pregnancy and delivery. We describe the management of a 29-year-old, gravida 5, para 1 woman with severe peripartum cardiomyopathy during this and a previous pregnancy complicated by multiple endocrine neoplasia type and factor V Leiden thrombophilia, limiting therapeutic options and contributing to considerable perioperative management challenges.
Jehovah's Witness patients have unique perioperative challenges involving blood products. We describe the use of a novel method to maintain a closed circuit between a Jehovah's Witness patient's arterial blood and the epidural space while performing a blood patch for postdural puncture headache. Previously described methods have utilized venous catheters to maintain a closed circuit between the body and the epidural space. This is the first report we are aware of that utilizes a closed-circuit arterial blood supply to create an epidural blood patch in a Jehovah's Witness patient.
Airway management and ventilation during a tracheobronchial stenting procedure are challenging given that mandatory positive pressure ventilation cannot be fully achieved while using a rigid bronchoscope due to leakage from the scope tip. Biphasic cuirass ventilation is a negative pressure ventilation method using an external cuirass fitted to the anterior chest, which could assist in spontaneous breathing and ventilation support. We report 3 successful anesthesia cases in which we could maintain adequate ventilation and oxygenation, supported by biphasic cuirass ventilation, in patients undergoing tracheobronchial stent placement or removal procedures using rigid bronchoscopy.