A&A practice
Opioid-free perioperative approaches hold promise to reduce opioid use after surgery and their associated side effects. Here, we report the perioperative analgesic plan of a patient who requested opioid-free care for an open partial hepatectomy. ⋯ However, as in this case, placing an epidural is not always an option due to contraindications such as infection, coagulopathy, or patient refusal. Our multimodal management plan provided an alternative opioid-free, epidural-free perioperative strategy that may prove useful for other patients undergoing similar surgeries.
Gayet-Wernicke encephalopathy (WE) is an acute neurological disorder resulting from deficiency of thiamine, commonly related to chronic abuse of alcohol, but frequently missed or overlooked as a diagnosis when a nonalcoholic patient presents with atypical signs and symptoms of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease is clinical, and confirmation is done by magnetic resonance imaging. We aim to highlight a case of WE in a nonalcoholic postoperative surgical patient receiving total parental nutrition where high-dose intravenous administration of thiamine in time mitigated the symptoms of disease and prevented permanent neurological sequelae. We spotlight the significance of adequate thiamine for postoperative malnourished surgical patients.
Case Reports
Unexpected Obstruction of a Parker Flex-Tip Endotracheal Tube Caused by Outward Bending of Its Tip: A Case Report.
We report a case of Parker Flex-Tip endotracheal tube obstruction caused by its tip bending outward against the tube lumen. The Parker Flex-Tip tube tip is designed to bend inward to prevent damage to airway structures during intubation. ⋯ Moreover, the cross-sectional area of the openings on the side of the endotracheal tube, the "Murphy's eyes" which are ellipses, decrease because the openings are pulled parallel to their long axis. Outward bending of the tip can obstruct the tube.
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has rapidly exposed health care system inadequacies. Hospital ventilator shortages in Italy compelled US physicians to consider creative solutions, such as using Y-pieces or T-pieces, to preclude the need to make decisions of life or death based on medical equipment availability. We add to current knowledge and testing capacity for ventilator splitters by reporting the ability to examine the functionality of ventilator splitters by using 2 high-fidelity lung simulators. Data obtained by the high-fidelity lung simulators included: tidal volume, respiratory rate, minute ventilation, peak inspiratory pressure, peak plateau pressure, and positive end-expiratory pressure.