Romanian journal of anaesthesia and intensive care
Rom J Anaesth Intensive Care · Oct 2018
Advantages of the New Tao Mask for Bag Mask Ventilation: a randomized crossover trial.
Manual bag mask ventilation is a life saving skill. An investigation was made to compare two different facemasks used in bag mask ventilation, the standard and the novel Tao face mask, and evaluate the ability of novices to achieve adequate tidal volume. ⋯ When first attempting bag mask ventilation inexperienced students achieved greater tidal volume with the Tao Mask. The results also suggest that hand size matters less when using the Tao mask.
Rom J Anaesth Intensive Care · Oct 2018
The relationship between labor pain management, cortisol level and risk of postpartum depression development: a prospective nonrandomized observational monocentric trial.
Postpartum depression (PPD) is the main psychological status disorder and women suffering from postpartum depression often need long-term psychological and socio-economic rehabilitation. The study is dedicated to the evaluation of the role of labor pain management using epidural analgesia in natural delivery on stress level in labor and frequency of postnatal depression.
Rom J Anaesth Intensive Care · Oct 2018
Tracheal intubation with channeled vs. non-channeled videolaryngoscope blades.
Videolaryngoscopes can be fitted either with channeled or non-channeled blades, which may result in a different performance and success of tracheal intubation. We investigated the characteristics of the two different blade types of the commercially available KingVision™ videolaryngoscope. ⋯ Videolaryngoscopic glottis recognition time was longer and the total time to secure the airway was shorter with the channeled blades.