Journal of the Chinese Medical Association : JCMA
The real-world outcomes of golimumab (GLM) use have been rarely studied in Asian patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This study assessed the real-world effectiveness and safety of GLM in a Taiwanese cohort. ⋯ GLM was effective and safe for the real-life management of Taiwanese RA patients and showed a high retention rate in biologic-naive patients compared with biologic-experienced patients.
For patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related decompensated cirrhosis, poor prognosis was documented due to the development of portal hypertension-related complications and hepatocellular carcinoma. Sofosbuvir-based direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) has revolutionized the treatment landscape of HCV, particularly in this subpopulation. To date, real-world efficacy, tolerability, and safety profiles for Taiwanese HCV-related decompensated cirrhosis treated by DAAs have not been reported. ⋯ For patients with HCV-related decompensated cirrhosis, which has been considered a contraindication for interferon-based therapy, sofosbuvir-based all-oral DAAs provided high treatment efficacy, acceptable safety, and good tolerability.
Patients with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) at C3-C5 have a wide range of tracheostomy rates (27%-75%), and the influencing factors for tracheostomy remain unclear. We conducted a retrospective case-control study to identify the influencing factors for tracheostomy in this subset of patient population. ⋯ Low GCS at admission and high initial RSBI are two independent influencing factors that synergistically impact tracheostomy in our patients. These findings are helpful for making the decision of performing tracheostomy in this subset of patient population.
To evaluate the techniques, efficacy, and safety for treating vascularly inaccessible abdominal visceral pseudoaneurysms by direct puncture and embolization. ⋯ Our single-center experience and the literature review demonstrate that percutaneous direct puncture embolization is feasible and effective to serve as an alternative for treating abdominal vascular pseudoaneurysms when the traditional endovascular embolization fails. In this approach, fluoroscopy is the most needed guidance technique.