Chinese medical journal
Chinese medical journal · Nov 2020
Randomized Controlled TrialSecukinumab provided significant and sustained improvement in the signs and symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis: results from the 52-week, Phase III China-centric study, MEASURE 5.
Secukinumab demonstrated sustained efficacy in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) through 5 years in pivotal Phase III studies. Here, we present efficacy and safety results (52-week) of secukinumab in patients with AS from the MEASURE 5 study. ⋯ Secukinumab 150 mg demonstrated rapid and significant improvement in signs and symptoms of AS. Secukinumab was well tolerated and the safety profile was consistent with previous reports. Efficacy and safety results were comparable between the overall and Chinese populations.
Chinese medical journal · Nov 2020
Genetic factors related to the widespread dissemination of ST11 extensively drug-resistant carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae strains within hospital.
Carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (CP-Kp) poses distinct clinical challenges due to extensively drug resistant (XDR) phenotype, and sequence type (ST) 11 is the most dominant blaKPC-2-bearing CP-Kp clone in China. The purpose of this current retrospective study was to explore the genetic factors associated with the success of XDR CP-Kp ST11 strains circulated in the intensive care unit (ICU) of a Chinese tertiary hospital. ⋯ Our findings suggested that together with clonal spread, MGEs identified uniquely in the ST11 XDR CP-Kp strains might contribute to their formidable adaptability, which facilitated their widespread dissemination in hospital.
Chinese medical journal · Nov 2020
Different distributions of nerve demyelination in chronic acquired multifocal polyneuropathies.
Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN), Lewis-Sumner syndrome (LSS), and many chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathies (CIDPs) are representative of acquired multifocal polyneuropathy and are characterized by conduction block (CB). This retrospective study aimed to investigate the demyelinating distribution and the selective vulnerability of MMN, LSS, and CIDP with CB (CIDP-CB) in nerves. ⋯ We report the different distributions of segmental and diffuse demyelination of the ulnar and tibial nerves in LSS, MMN, and CIDP-CB. These distinct distributions could help in differentiating among these conditions.
Chinese medical journal · Nov 2020
Multi-center investigation of the clinical and pathological characteristics of inflammatory breast cancer based on Chinese Society of Breast Surgery (CSBrs-007).
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is an aggressive type of cancer with poor prognosis and outcomes. This study aimed to investigate clinicopathological features, molecular characteristics, and treatments among Chinese patients diagnosed with IBC. ⋯ Our study provides novel insight into clinicopathological characteristics and treatment status among patients with IBC in China, and might provide a direction and basis for further studies.