GMS journal for medical education
Objective: In the context of educating medical students, testing of competence in medical communication is carried out primarily with the Objective Structured Clinical Examination [1]. This makes it possible to assess practical performance, but it is resource-intensive and has a negative impact on test quality. The project "Digital test tool for measuring communication skills in medical studies" (digiRole) was funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) and its objective was to develop digital formats as electronic versions of an OSCE in order to test the communication competency of medical students. ⋯ Conclusion: The correlation between the VSE and the OSCE is relatively low, so that the VSE in this form is not a satisfactory predictor of an OSCE result. In terms of internal consistency, the VSE and the OSCE produced an almost identical result. It can also be assumed that the VSE can achieve a high degree of objectivity with the use of standardised video-based examinations as well as greater resource efficiency than OSCEs.
Aim: The seminar program of the KWBW Verbundweiterbildungplus® is offered by the Competence Center for Postgraduate Medical Education in Baden-Württemberg (KWBW) for physicians specializing in general practice (GP trainees). Attendance is a voluntary one comprised of 48 curricular units of 45 minutes each per GP trainee. This seminar program is meant to be attended in parallel to the postgraduate medical education in clinic or practice. ⋯ Conclusion: The model entails a five-year, flexible program to accompany the postgraduate medical education in general practice which can also be implemented in multicenter programs and those with high enrollments. The model's focus is on acquisition of core competencies for general practice. Despite the current shift to eLearning seminars due to SARS-CoV, the program's implementation is being continued, constantly evaluated, and used to further develop the KWBW Verbundweiterbildungplus® program.
Background: In October 2018, the University of Witten/Herdecke (UW/H) launched the new reformed medical education programme called Medicine 2018+. A major innovation compared to the existing model programme was the introduction of thematic focuses. A longitudinal communication skills curriculum was integrated into the new thematic focus "professional and personal development - inner work" (IAP). ⋯ Challenges are the adequate handling of the increasing student workload when planning new courses, the implementation of a longitudinal e-portfolio as well as the recruitment and training of clinical teachers and SPs. Conclusion: As the evaluation results of the summer semester 2020 show, the first steps of implementing a longitudinal communication curriculum at UW/H have been successful. Helpful strategies were the orientation on published examples from other faculties as well as regular feedback and discussions with students and teachers in order to adapt and integrate educational considerations into the existing model programme in Witten.
Since October 2018, a longitudinal communication curriculum for medical students has been implemented at Witten/Herdecke University. In the summer semester 2020, the concept for the 4th preclinical semester included a practical training on "sharing information", which consisted of three two-hour face-to-face sessions with simulated patients (SP). Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, teaching was changed to an inverted classroom concept combining asynchronous and synchronous teaching. ⋯ The students explicitly appreciated working with SP. From the teachers' perspective, some specific aspects of successful communication were difficult to reflect on, e.g. non-verbal communication. The use of e-learning as a preparation for practical exercises has proven successful and will be continued in the future.
Background: Since 2013 a competency-oriented student progress test (SKPT) has been administered at a number of German medical schools. The questions are generated on the basis of a two-dimensional blueprint, on which one axis contains the five competency domains - communicative competence (CO), practical clinical competence (CP), theoretical clinical competence (CT), scientific competence (SC), and professional decision-making competence (PR) - that form part of the competency model of the National Competency-based Catalogue of Learning Objectives for Undergraduate Medicine (NKLM). The feedback for students is structured in part according to these domains. ⋯ The results for all of the individual competency domains differed in their informational content compared to the overall of the other domains; the same applies for all pairwise comparisons, with the exceptions of CP and CT. Discussion: The SKPT feedback for students that is differentiated by competency domains basically fulfills the requirements for measurement reliability and distinctness. An improvement of the measurement quality for CO and PR and a better differentiation between CP and CT is desirable.