African journal of emergency medicine : Revue africaine de la medecine d'urgence
A changing climate will have demonstrable effects on health and healthcare systems, with specific and disproportionate effects on communities in Africa. Emergency care systems and providers have an opportunity to be at the forefront of efforts to combat the worst health effects from climate change. The 2020 African Conference on Emergency Medicine, under the auspices of the African Federation for Emergency Medicine, convened its first ever workshop on the topic of climate change and human health. ⋯ Lectures and focused discussions addressed three broad themes related to: health impacts, health care delivery, and advocacy. To our knowledge, this is the first workshop for health professionals to cover topics specific to emergency care, climate change, and health in Africa. The results of this workshop will help to guide future efforts aimed at advancing emergency care approaches in Africa with regard to medical education, research, and policy.
The purpose of this study was to explore and compare the performance of four burn injury scoring systems in Indonesia. In a retrospective study, data of all burn patients admitted to the emergency centre (EC) were collected. The following clinical outcome and four burn injury scoring systems were used to assess each patient: Abbreviated Burn Severity Index (ABSI), Belgian Outcome in Burn Injury (BOBI), the Ryan model, and revised Baux Score. ⋯ The best estimation of predicted mortality was obtained with the ABSI model.
The emergency care of time-sensitive injuries and illnesses is increasingly recognized as an essential component of effective health care systems. However, many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) lack healthcare providers formally trained in the care of emergency conditions. The Disease Control Priorities 3 project estimates that effective emergency care systems could avert up to half of all premature deaths in LMICs. Nigeria, a lower-middle income country of nearly 200 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa, could save approximately 100,000 lives per year with an effective emergency care system. The World Health Organization developed the Basic Emergency Care (BEC) course to train frontline healthcare workers in the management of emergency conditions in low resource settings. In this study we describe our work implementing the BEC course Nigeria. ⋯ The WHO Basic Emergency Care (BEC) course successfully increased the knowledge and confidence of frontline emergency care providers in Nigeria. The course was well received by participants. Future study should focus on BEC course scalability and long-term knowledge retention.
Patients' unscheduled return visits (URVs) to the paediatric emergency Centre (PEC) contribute to overcrowding and affect health service delivery and overall quality of care. This study assessed the characteristics and outcomes of paediatric patients with URVs (within 72 hours) to the PEC at a private tertiary hospital in Kenya. ⋯ The URV rate is low in our setting. Patients who returned to the PEC within 72 hours tended to be male, under 5 years old and insured. Many were non-urgent cases with diagnoses of respiratory and gastrointestinal tract infections. The findings suggest that some URVs were necessary and may have contributed to better care and improved outcomes while others highlight a need for effective patient education and comprehensive initial assessment.
Sepsis and septic shock are the major causes of morbidity and mortality in Intensive care Units (ICUs) in low and middle-income countries. However, little is known about their prevalence and outcome in these settings. The study aimed to assess the prevalence and outcome of sepsis and septic shock in ICUs in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ⋯ Sepsis and septic shock are common among our ICU admissions, and are associated with a high mortality rate.