African journal of emergency medicine : Revue africaine de la medecine d'urgence
In 2015, the Emergency Medicine Department at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) installed and implemented the first Electronic Medical Record (EMR) tailored to the emergency centre (EC). The EMR deployed was designed for emergency centre use only (Emergency Department Information System (EDIS)) and linked with the existing EMR that focused on registration and billing. This very collaborative experience can be used as a reference to share the many lessons learnt by all, including hospital management, EC staff, private funders and EMR vendors. ⋯ Specific templates have been introduced to ensure adequate minimum documentation. However, even with these, clinical notes are often very brief and we are searching for further mechanisms to improve this. Hospitals in low-resource settings considering the implementation of an EMR should ensure that a comprehensive plan is in place that involves significant staff training, improvement of existing, or installation of new information technology systems, ongoing ICT support and funds for unforeseen issues and ongoing maintenance.
Finding journal open access information alongside its global impact requires access to multiple databases. We describe a single, searchable database of all emergency medicine and critical care journals that include their open access policies, publication costs, and impact metrics. ⋯ We present a single database that captures emergency medicine and critical care journal impact rankings alongside its respective open access cost and green open access policies.
There are few reports of electrocardiogram (ECG) findings and their prognostic value in acutely ill patients admitted to low resource hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa. ⋯ The majority of acutely ill medical patients admitted in a low-resource hospital in sub-Saharan Africa had ECG abnormalities, of which prolonged QTc and left ventricular hypertrophy were most common. Those with any Tan score abnormality were twice as likely to die as those without an abnormality.
Evidence based medicine is the standard of modern health care practices. Ongoing biomedical research is needed to expand existing knowledge and improve quality of care, but it needs to reach clinicians to drive change. Journal articles and conference presentations are dissemination tools. The aim of the study was to establish the publication rate of scientific abstracts presented at the first and second African Conference of Emergency Medicine. The secondary objectives were establishing non-publication dissemination and the factors associated with publication and non-publication. Determining non-publication dissemination patterns and the factors associated with reasons for publishing or non-publication were also investigated. ⋯ The overall publication rate for the first and second Africa Conferences of Emergency Medicine is comparable to other non-African Emergency Medicine conferences. The increasing publication trend between conferences might reflect the development of regional research capacity. Emergency Medicine providers in Africa need to be encouraged to participate in high quality, locally relevant research and to distribute those findings through accessible formats.
Procedural sedation and analgesia allows the clinician to safely and efficiently administer sedation, analgesia, anxiolysis and sometimes amnesia to facilitate the performance of various procedures in the emergency centre. The aim of this study is to determine current sedation practices, common indications and major obstacles in selected emergency centres across Southern Gauteng, South Africa, with a view to improving future standards and practices. ⋯ Although the safe practice and awareness of procedural sedation and analgesia in both public-sector and private-sector emergency centres in Southern Gauteng appears to be on the increase, there is still a need to enhance practitioner training and promote awareness of current local and international trends, protocols and recommendations.