Abdominal radiology (New York)
In recent years, rectal MRI has become a central diagnostic tool in rectal cancer staging. Indeed, rectal MR has the ability to accurately evaluate a number of important findings that may impact patient management, including distance of the tumor to the mesorectal fascia, presence of extramural vascular invasion (EMVI), presence of lymph nodes, and involvement of the peritoneum/anterior peritoneal reflection. ⋯ In this review, we present a practical approach for radiologists to provide high-quality interpretations at initial baseline exams, based on recent guidelines from the Society of Abdominal Radiology, Rectal and Anal Cancer Disease Focused Panel. Practical pearls and pitfalls are discussed, focusing on optimization of technique including, patient preparation and protocol recommendations, interpretation, and essentials of reporting.
To assess preoperative short-course radiotherapy (SCR) tumor response in locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) by means of Standardized Index of Shape (SIS) by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI), apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) and diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) parameters derived from diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI). ⋯ SIS is a hopeful DCE-MRI angiogenic biomarker to assess preoperative treatment response after SCR with delayed surgery. Furthermore, an important prognostic role was obtained by VARPRO Fp mean value pre-treatment and by a decision tree composed by diffusion parameters derived by DWI and DKI to assess pathological complete response.
Standardized terminology is critical to providing consistent reports to referring clinicians. This lexicon aims to provide a reference for terminology frequently used in rectal cancer and reflects the consensus of the Society of Abdominal Radiology Disease Focused Panel in Rectal cancer. This lexicon divided the terms into the following categories: primary tumor staging, nodal staging, treatment response, anal canal anatomy, general anatomy, and treatments.
The study evaluated the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) texture parameters in differentiating clear cell renal carcinoma (CC-RCC) from non-clear cell carcinoma (NC-RCC) and in the histological grading of CC-RCC. ⋯ Several MR texture parameters showed excellent diagnostic performance (AUC > 0.8) in differentiating CC-RCC from NC-RCC, and high-grade from low-grade CC-RCC. MRTA could serve as a useful non-invasive tool for this purpose.
To explore the preponderant diagnostic performances of IVIM and DKI in predicting the Gleason score (GS) of prostate cancer. ⋯ Both the IVIM and DKI models are beneficial to predict GS of PCa and indirectly predict its aggressiveness, and they have a comparable diagnostic performance with each other as well as ADC.