Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA
Emerg Med Australas · Apr 2019
ReviewReview article: Do inferior vena cava filters prevent pulmonary embolism in critically ill trauma patients and does the benefit outweigh the risk of insertion? A narrative review article.
Venous thromboembolic disease (VTE) increases the risk of mortality in trauma patients. To decrease the occurrence of VTE, low dose anticoagulants are commonly prescribed. This may be unacceptable in trauma patients who have a high risk of bleeding. ⋯ The clinical question posed was does prophylactic IVC filter insertion decrease the risk of PE in trauma patients? The available evidence was low level and unable to definitively answer this question. The majority of articles infer that IVC filter insertion is safe and may decrease the risk of PE. However, there is a need for well-designed randomised controlled trials to be conducted in this area.
Emerg Med Australas · Apr 2019
Multicenter StudyValue of emergency department triage data to describe and understand patterns and mechanisms of cycling injuries.
To characterise patients presenting to EDs for a bicycle-related injury, identify contributing factors to the injuries and describe the data gaps. ⋯ Bicycle injuries carry a considerable burden to the ED and the incidence of presentations appears to be rising. The current triage data, designed to provide a rapid assessment for medical urgency, are limited to describing broad demographics, trends and causes.
Emerg Med Australas · Apr 2019
Multicenter StudyKetamine use for rapid sequence intubation in Australian and New Zealand emergency departments from 2010 to 2015: A registry study.
This study aimed to quantify the proportion of patients undergoing rapid sequence intubation using ketamine in Australian and New Zealand EDs between 2010 and 2015. ⋯ Ketamine use increased between 2010 and 2015. Lower systolic blood pressure, the presence of an emergency medicine team leader, trauma and a higher Glasgow Coma Scale were associated with increased odds of ketamine use. Intubation occurring in a major referral centre was associated with lower odds of ketamine use.
Emerg Med Australas · Apr 2019
ReviewReview article: Environmental heatstroke and long-term clinical neurological outcomes: A literature review of case reports and case series 2000-2016.
Global temperatures are rising; extreme environmental heat can result in adverse health effects including heatstroke. Acute effects of heat are well recognised, but there is less understanding of potential long-term adverse outcomes. Our aim was to review recent medical literature for clinical cases of environmental heatstroke with a focus on neurological outcome. ⋯ Cerebellar injury was common suggesting cerebellar structures are vulnerable to heat. These findings highlight that people of all ages and pre-morbid states are at risk of severe heat-related illness. In the face of climate change, effective interventions for heat-related illness, including both treatment and prevention are necessary.