Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA
Emerg Med Australas · Apr 2019
Multicenter Study Comparative StudyEffect of a clinical flowchart incorporating Wells score, PERC rule and age-adjusted D-dimer on pulmonary embolism diagnosis, scan rates and diagnostic yield.
To assess the association between the use of a flowchart incorporating Wells score, PERC rule and age-adjusted D-dimer and subsequent imaging and yield rates of computed tomography pulmonary angiogram and nuclear medicine ventilation perfusion scans being ordered in the ED for the assessment of pulmonary embolism. ⋯ The introduction of a clinical flowchart incorporating Wells score, PERC rule and age-adjusted D-dimer was associated with an increase in ED computed tomography pulmonary angiogram and nuclear medicine ventilation perfusion yield rate from 9.9% to 16.5% across the three enrolment hospitals when investigating possible pulmonary embolism. This corresponded to a 40% relative reduction in pulmonary embolism imaging. Diagnosis rates remained unchanged and no cases of missed pulmonary embolism attributable to the flowchart were identified.
Emerg Med Australas · Apr 2019
Review Case ReportsReview article: Isolated proximal tibiofibular joint dislocation.
Proximal tibiofibular joint (PTFJ) dislocations are relatively rare injuries and this paper provides an up-to-date review and practical management approach for the assessment and management of these cases. Isolated PTFJ dislocations are a rare injury, accounting for less than 1% of all knee injuries. ⋯ This paper provides a review of the literature, anatomical analysis of the PTFJ in the dislocated state, and a technique for reduction. In the majority of cases, PTFJ dislocations are an injury that can be identified with simple imaging modalities and treated in the ED with manipulation under procedural sedation.
Emerg Med Australas · Apr 2019
ReviewReview article: Common emergency department presenting complaints of prisoners: A systematic review.
Prisoners are a particularly vulnerable minority group whose healthcare needs and management differ substantially from the general population. The overall burden of disease of prisoners is well documented; however, little is known regarding the aetiology and frequency of prisoners' acute medical complaints requiring an ED visit. Objectives of the review were to identify, review and appraise existing literature regarding prisoners' presentations to EDs. ⋯ Apart from two European studies in the past 5 years, there is a scarcity of literature primarily addressing the common presenting complaints to EDs by prisoners. Existing studies demonstrated that prisoners have a disproportionately high burden of traumatic, infectious and psychiatric disease requiring emergency treatment. With the increasing number of emergency presentations made by prisoners each year, it is vital that further research is undertaken to identify trends of these acute medical complaints in order to ensure optimal therapeutic outcomes for prisoners.
Emerg Med Australas · Apr 2019
Multicenter StudyImpact of the National Emergency Access Target policy on emergency departments' performance: A time-trend analysis for New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and Queensland.
To evaluate the impact of the Australian National Emergency Access Target (NEAT) policy introduced in 2012 on ED performance. ⋯ ED presentations continued to increase over time in all jurisdictions. NSW and QLD, but not ACT, showed significant improvements in time-based measures. Significant increases in short-stay admissions suggest a strategic change in ED process associated with NEAT implementation. Rates of unplanned ED re-attendances and those leaving at their own risk showed no evidence for adverse effects from NEAT.
Emerg Med Australas · Apr 2019
Multicenter StudyLonger time to transfer from the emergency department after bed request is associated with worse outcomes.
To determine the relationships between: (i) total ED length of stay (EDLOS) and in-hospital mortality, ward clinical deterioration; and (ii) between time of bed request, ward transfer and in-hospital mortality, with a particular focus on patients transferred just prior to a 4 h EDLOS. ⋯ Both shorter time in ED and shorter time between bed request and ward transfer were independently associated with improved outcomes. Whole of hospital measures to reduce length of stay in the ED should focus on shorter ward transfer times after bed request.