Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA
Emerg Med Australas · Oct 2020
Observational StudyEmergency Medicine Advanced Ultrasound Service: A new paradigm.
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is now ubiquitous in emergency medicine. Increased accessibility does not, however, ensure expertise in its use. We present a unique model of an Emergency Medicine Advanced Ultrasound Service (EMAUS). In our model specialist emergency physicians with advanced ultrasound (US) qualifications (emergency sonologists), provide images and reports for the entire department. The service is considered an extension of the traditional radiology model. It is consultative, diagnostic and procedural, and includes full US examinations as well as POCUS examinations. ⋯ Globally POCUS has proliferated with varying expertise and data to support its use. The EMAUS provides a trusted and accountable service with the advantages of simultaneously integrating consultative US into the clinical context by an emergency physician. A diverse range of indications, scan types and pathology was recorded over the period demonstrating the utility of combining the roles of senior clinician, sonographer and radiologist and the benefits of advanced training and credentialing.
Emerg Med Australas · Oct 2020
Observational StudyWhat is the distribution of Aortic Dissection Detection Risk Score in an undifferentiated emergency department chest pain population?
To determine the distribution of Aortic Dissection Detection Risk Score (ADDRS) in undifferentiated chest pain patients. ⋯ Widespread use of the ADDRS and its investigation protocol cannot be supported.