ACS infectious diseases
ACS infectious diseases · Feb 2021
Detection of Bacterial Coinfection in COVID-19 Patients Is a Missing Piece of the Puzzle in the COVID-19 Management in Indonesia.
Bacterial coinfection in COVID-19 patients has the potential to complicate treatments and accelerate the development of antibiotic resistance in the clinic due to the widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, including in Indonesia. The surge of COVID-19 patients may worsen antibiotic overuse; therefore, information on the actual extent of bacterial coinfection in COVID-19 patients in Indonesia is crucial to inform appropriate treatment. This Viewpoint elaborates on a nascent research project focused on sequencing of swab samples to detect bacterial coinfection in COVID-19 patients in Indonesia. Supported by a L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science National Fellowship, it is designed to inform better clinical management of COVID-19 in Indonesia.