Physiology & behavior
Physiology & behavior · Jan 2005
Recording of ECG signals on a portable MiniDisc recorder for time and frequency domain heart rate variability analysis.
Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is a non-invasive technique useful for investigating autonomic function in both humans and animals. It has been used for research into both behaviour and physiology. Commercial systems for human HRV analysis are expensive and may not have sufficient flexibility for appropriate analysis in animals. ⋯ IBI data were analysed in both time and frequency domains and comparisons between direct recorded and MiniDisc data were made using Bland-Altman analysis. Despite some changes in ECG morphology due to loss of low frequency content (primarily below 5 Hz) following MiniDisc recording, there was minimal difference in IBI or time or frequency domain analysis between the two recording methods. The MiniDisc offers a cost-effective approach to intermediate recording of ECG signals for subsequent HRV analysis and also provides greater flexibility than use of human Holter systems.
Physiology & behavior · Jan 2005
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialEffects of transdermal nicotine on prose memory and attention in smokers and nonsmokers.
Previous research investigating cognitive effects of nicotine has produced mixed findings partly due to the use of abstaining smokers and cigarettes as a delivery system. The present study examined effects of nicotine delivered via a transdermal patch on prose memory and sustained attention in male smokers (n=25) and nonsmokers (n=22), who were randomly assigned to either a placebo or a nicotine condition. All groups were matched on their verbal ability and gross personality characteristics (state/trait anxiety levels, extroversion-introversion, and impulsivity level). ⋯ No between-group differences were found on the RVIP task. A significant effect of time was found for systolic blood pressure and heart rate. The results cannot be interpreted using the arousal theory of nicotine effects on attention and are explained on the basis of a dose-dependent nicotinic action possibly recruiting cholinergic cortical projections.