Clinical social work journal
The unprecedented nature of the coronavirus pandemic and clinicians' own concerns for safety and stability amidst collective uncertainty have threatened to undermine our ability to trust what we already know about our clients and how to help them. Rather than search for a novel solution, I suggest that what we need during a shared crisis is to renew our trust in the existing ethos of good enough therapy, a metaphoric corollary to Winnicott's concept of good enough mothering, which presupposes the realities of imperfection and uncertainty along the continuum of growth. ⋯ Through the clinical material, I examine opportunities to make use of clients' reactions, as well as my own, in order to deepen the therapeutic process. I discuss the necessity of holding the therapeutic frame with increased flexibility in light of my use of self-disclosure surrounding my COVID-19 diagnosis and recovery, and I assess the impact of this disclosure.
Social isolation and loneliness are significant risks to health among older adults. Previous studies have found a significant association between social isolation and loneliness; however, few studies examined the association between social isolation and loneliness in a multivariate context and how specific types of social isolation influence loneliness. This study fills this gap by examining social isolation's overall influence on loneliness and how specific social isolation indicators influence loneliness. ⋯ Furthermore older adults who were isolated from other family members and from friends, lived alone, were single, and did not participate in social groups or religious activities reported greater loneliness. Study findings demonstrate that greater overall social isolation and specific social isolation indicators are associated with greater loneliness. Clinical practice with older adults can be enhanced by understanding the connections between social isolation and loneliness and which forms of social isolation are more meaningful for perceived loneliness.