The journal of sexual medicine
Rising numbers of trans women are undergoing genital surgeries, such as vulvoplasty or vulvovaginoplasty, to create a neovagina. Medical professionals who adhere to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care, Version 7, and who recommend or perform these procedures, are expected to balance best practices with patient preferences, specifically the decision to create or omit the vaginal canal. Due to a paucity of literature on gender-confirming vulvoplasty (GCV) in trans women, there has been no documentation of factors that prompt practitioners to reject or recommend the procedure. ⋯ The study shows divergence in attitudes and knowledge among medical practitioners who recommend or perform GCV, and uncertainty when the patient is 18-21 years old. The study contributes to an expanded description and specific indications of performing GCV in the updated WPATH SOC Version 8. Milrod C, Monto M, Karasic DH. Recommending or Rejecting "the Dimple": WPATH-Affiliated Medical Professionals' Experiences and Attitudes Toward Gender-Confirming Vulvoplasty in Transgender Women. J Sex Med 2019;16:586-595.