PLoS medicine
Smaller serving sizes could contribute towards reducing alcohol consumption across populations and thereby decrease the risk of 7 cancers and other diseases. To our knowledge, the current study is the first to assess the impact on beer, lager, and cider sales (hereafter, for ease, referred to just as "beer sales") of removing the largest draught serving size (1 imperial pint) from the options available in licensed premises under real-word conditions. ⋯ Removing the largest serving size (the imperial pint) for draught beer reduced the volume of beer sold. Given the potential of this intervention to reduce alcohol consumption, it merits consideration in alcohol control policies.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Evaluation of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the prevention of COVID-19 (COPCOV): A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has proved ineffective in treating patients hospitalised with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), but uncertainty remains over its safety and efficacy in chemoprevention. Previous chemoprevention randomised controlled trials (RCTs) did not individually show benefit of HCQ against COVID-19 and, although meta-analysis did suggest clinical benefit, guidelines recommend against its use. ⋯ In this large placebo-controlled, double-blind randomised trial, HCQ and CQ were safe and well tolerated in COVID-19 chemoprevention, and there was evidence of moderate protective benefit in a meta-analysis including this trial and similar RCTs.
The 8-aminoquinolines, primaquine and tafenoquine, are the only available drugs for the radical cure of Plasmodium vivax hypnozoites. Previous evidence suggests that there is dose-dependent 8-aminoquinoline induced methaemoglobinaemia and that higher methaemoglobin concentrations are associated with a lower risk of P. vivax recurrence. We undertook a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis to examine the utility of methaemoglobin as a population-level surrogate endpoint for 8-aminoquinoline antihypnozoite activity to prevent P. vivax recurrence. ⋯ For a given primaquine regimen, higher methaemoglobin on day 7 was associated with a reduced risk of P. vivax recurrence. Under our proposed causal model, this justifies the use of methaemoglobin as a population-level surrogate endpoint for primaquine antihypnozoite activity in patients with P. vivax malaria who have normal G6PD activity.
Guidelines by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommend an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) rather than an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) for the treatment of hypertension for people of African and Caribbean descent, due to an increased risk of angioedema associated with ACEi use observed in US trials. However, the effectiveness and risk of these drugs in Black populations in UK routine care is unknown. ⋯ These results demonstrate variation in drug effects of ACEi and ARB for some outcomes by ethnicity and suggest the potential for adverse consequences from current UK guideline recommendations for ARB in preference to ACEi for Black individuals.
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is an obstetric emergency. While PPH-related deaths are relatively rare in high-resource settings, PPH continues to be the leading cause of maternal mortality in limited-resource settings. We undertook a systematic review to identify, assess, and synthesise cost-effectiveness evidence on postpartum interventions to prevent, diagnose, or treat PPH. ⋯ In this systematic review, we extracted, critically appraised, and summarised the cost-effectiveness evidence from 56 studies across 16 different interventions for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of PPH. Both the use of tranexamic acid as part of PPH treatment, and the use of comprehensive PPH bundles for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment have supportive cost-effectiveness evidence across a range of settings. More studies utilizing best practice principles are required to make stronger conclusions on which interventions provide the best value. Several high-priority interventions recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) such as administering additional uterotonics, non-pneumatic anti-shock garment, or uterine balloon tamponade (UBT) for PPH management require robust economic evaluations across high-, middle-, and low-resource settings.