Journal of biomechanics
Journal of biomechanics · Nov 2009
Stair climbing results in more challenging patellofemoral contact mechanics and kinematics than walking at early knee flexion under physiological-like quadriceps loading.
The mechanical environment during stair climbing has been associated with patellofemoral pain, but the contribution of loading to this condition is not clearly understood. It was hypothesized that the loading conditions during stair climbing induce higher patellofemoral pressures, a more lateral force distribution on the trochlea and a more lateral shift and tilt of the patella compared to walking at early knee flexion. Optical markers for kinematic measurements were attached to eight cadaveric knees, which were loaded with muscle forces at instances of walking and stair climbing cycles at 12 degrees and 30 degrees knee flexion. ⋯ No significant differences were observed in patellar shift between walking and stair climbing at either 12 degrees (p=0.093) or 30 degrees (p=0.575) knee flexion. Stair climbing thus leads to more challenging patellofemoral contact mechanics and kinematics than level walking at early knee flexion. The increase in patellofemoral pressure, lateral force distribution and lateral tilt during stair climbing provides a possible biomechanical explanation for the patellofemoral pain frequently experienced during this activity.
Journal of biomechanics · Nov 2009
Tolerance of the skull to blunt ballistic temporo-parietal impact.
Less-lethal ballistic projectiles are used by police personnel to temporarily incapacitate suspects. While the frequency of these impacts to the head is low, they account for more serious injuries than impacts to any other body region. As a result, there is an urgent need to assess the tolerance of the head to such impacts. ⋯ The blunt criterion (BC), peak force and principal strain were determined to be the best predictors of depressed comminuted fractures. Temporo-parietal tolerance levels were consistent with previous studies. An initial force tolerance level of 2346 N is established for the temporo-parietal region for blunt ballistic impact with a 38 mm diameter impactor.
The healing process for bone fractures is sensitive to mechanical stability and blood supply at the fracture site. Most currently available mechanobiological algorithms of bone healing are based solely on mechanical stimuli, while the explicit analysis of revascularization and its influences on the healing process have not been thoroughly investigated in the literature. In this paper, revascularization was described by two separate processes: angiogenesis and nutrition supply. ⋯ The simulation results showed that, for a small and medium-sized fracture gap, the nutrient supply is sufficient for bone healing, for a large fracture gap, non-union may be induced either by deficient nutrient supply or inadequate mechanical conditions. The comparisons with experimental results demonstrated that the improved computational algorithm is able to simulate a broad spectrum of fracture healing cases and to predict and explain delayed unions and non-union induced by large gap sizes and different mechanical conditions. The new algorithm will allow the simulation of more realistic clinical fracture healing cases with various fracture gaps and geometries and may be helpful to optimise implants and methods for fracture fixation.