Journal of biomechanics
Journal of biomechanics · Jan 2019
Virtual structural analysis of tibial fracture healing from low-dose clinical CT scans.
Quantitative assessment of bone fracture healing remains a significant challenge in orthopaedic trauma research. Accordingly, we developed a new technique for assessing bone healing using virtual mechano-structural analysis of computed tomography (CT) scans. CT scans from 19 fractured human tibiae at 12 weeks after surgery were segmented and prepared for finite element analysis (FEA). ⋯ Conversely, normalized VTR was significantly correlated with time to union (R2 = 0.383, p = 0.005). This suggests that fracture scoring methods based on the visual appearance of callus may not accurately predict mechanical integrity. The image-based structural analysis presented here may be a useful technique for assessment of bone healing in orthopaedic trauma research.
Journal of biomechanics · Jan 2019
Biomechanical contributions of upper cervical ligamentous structures in Type II odontoid fractures.
Fractures of the odontoid present frequently in spinal trauma, and Type II odontoid fractures, occurring at the junction of the odontoid process and C2 vertebrae, represent the bulk of all traumatic odontoid fractures. It is currently unclear what soft-tissue stabilizers contribute to upper cervical motion in the setting of a Type II odontoid fracture, and evaluation of how concomitant injury contributes to cervical stability may inform surgical decision-making as well as allow for the creation of future, accurate, biomechanical models of the upper cervical spine. The objective of the current study was to determine the contribution of soft-tissue stabilizers in the upper cervical spine following a Type II odontoid fracture. ⋯ ALL resection did not significantly increase ROM or decrease end-point moment. The UFC was determined to contribute to 19% of intact flexion resistance and 24% of intact AR resistance. Overall, we determined that Type II fracture of the odontoid is a significant biomechanical destabilizer and that concurrent injury to the UFC further increases upper cervical ROM and decreases resistance to motion in a cadaveric model of traumatic Type II odontoid fractures.
Journal of biomechanics · Jan 2019
Effects of lumbo-pelvic rhythm on trunk muscle forces and disc loads during forward flexion: A combined musculoskeletal and finite element simulation study.
Previous in-vivo studies suggest that the ratio of total lumbar rotation over pelvic rotation (lumbo-pelvic rhythm) during trunk sagittal movement is essential to evaluate spinal loads and discriminate between low back pain and asymptomatic population. Similarly, there is also evidence that the lumbo-pelvic rhythm is key for evaluation of realistic muscle and joint reaction forces and moments predicted by various computational musculoskeletal models. This study investigated the effects of three lumbo-pelvic rhythms defined based on in-vivo measurements on the spinal response during moderate forward flexion (60°) using a combined approach of musculoskeletal modeling of the upper body and finite element model of the lumbosacral spine. ⋯ This work demonstrated that the spinal response during forward flexion is highly dependent on the lumbo-pelvic rhythm. It is therefore, essential to adapt this parameter instead of using the default values in musculoskeletal models for accurate prediction of muscle forces and joint reaction forces and moments. The findings provided by this work are expected to improve knowledge of spinal response during forward flexion, and are clinically relevant towards low back pain treatment and disc injury prevention.