Journal of biomechanics
Journal of biomechanics · Apr 2018
Structural modeling reveals microstructure-strength relationship for human ascending thoracic aorta.
High lethality of aortic dissection necessitates accurate predictive metrics for dissection risk assessment. The not infrequent incidence of dissection at aortic diameters <5.5 cm, the current threshold guideline for surgical intervention (Nishimura et al., 2014), indicates an unmet need for improved evidence-based risk stratification metrics. Meeting this need requires a fundamental understanding of the structural mechanisms responsible for dissection evolution within the vessel wall. ⋯ Multiphoton imaging derived collagen fiber organization for each patient cohort was explicitly incorporated in our model. Model parameters were calibrated using experimentally-measured uniaxial tensile strength data in the circumferential direction for each cohort, while the model was validated by contrasting simulated tissue strength against experimentally-measured strength in the longitudinal direction. Orientation distribution, controlling the fraction of loaded collagen fibers at a given stretch, was identified as a key feature governing anisotropic tissue strength for all patient cohorts.
Journal of biomechanics · Apr 2018
Estimation of unmeasured ground reaction force data based on the oscillatory characteristics of the center of mass during human walking.
To enhance the wearability of portable motion-monitoring devices, the size and number of sensors are minimized, but at the expense of quality and quantity of data collected. For example, owing to the size and weight of low-frequency force transducers, most currently available wearable gait measurement systems provide only limited, if any, elements of ground reaction force (GRF) data. To obtain the most GRF information possible with a minimal use of sensors, we propose a GRF estimation method based on biomechanical knowledge of human walking. ⋯ Using the vertical GRF and CoP profile for gait speeds ranging from 0.93 to 1.89 m/s, the anterior-posterior (A-P) GRF was estimated and resulted in an average correlation coefficient of R = 0.982 ± 0.009. Even when the ground contact timing and gait speed information were alone available, our method estimated GRFs resulting in R = 0.969 ± 0.022 for the A-P and R = 0.891 ± 0.101 for the vertical GRFs. This research demonstrates that the biomechanical knowledge of human walking, such as inherited oscillatory characteristics of the CoM, can be used to gain unmeasured information regarding human gait dynamics.
Journal of biomechanics · Mar 2018
Thoracolumbar spine loading associated with kinematics of the young and the elderly during activities of daily living.
Excessive mechanical loading of the spine is a critical factor in vertebral fracture initiation. Most vertebral fractures develop spontaneously or due to mild trauma, as physiological loads during activities of daily living might exceed the failure load of osteoporotic vertebra. Spinal loading patterns are affected by vertebral kinematics, which differ between elderly and young individuals. ⋯ The maximum compressive loads predicted for the elderly motion patterns were lower than those of the young for L2/L3 and L3/L4 lumbar levels during flexion and for upper thoracic levels during stand-to-sit (T1/T2-T8/T9) and sit-to-stand (T3/T4-T6/T7). However, the maximum loads predicted for the lower thoracic levels (T9/T10-L1/L2), a common site of vertebral fractures, were similar compared to the young. Nevertheless, these loads acting on the vertebrae of reduced bone quality might contribute to a higher fracture risk for the elderly.
Journal of biomechanics · Mar 2018
Load-sharing in the lumbosacral spine in neutral standing & flexed postures - A combined finite element and inverse static study.
Understanding load-sharing in the spine during in-vivo conditions is critical for better spinal implant design and testing. Previous studies of load-sharing that considered actual spinal geometry applied compressive follower load, with or without moment, to simulate muscle forces. Other studies used musculoskeletal models, which include muscle forces, but model the discs by simple beams or spherical joints and ignore the articular facet joints. ⋯ The disc forces and moments were determined using equilibrium equations, which considered the applied loads, including muscle forces and IDP, as well as forces in the ligaments and facet joints predicted by the FE model. Load-sharing was calculated as the portion of the total spinal load carried along the spine by each individual spinal structure. The results revealed that spinal loads which increased substantially from the upright to the flexed posture were mainly supported by the discs in the upright posture, whereas the ligaments' contribution in resisting shear, compression, and moment was more significant in the flexed posture.
Journal of biomechanics · Mar 2018
Computational study of the role of fluid content and flow on the lumbar disc response in cyclic compression: Replication of in vitro and in vivo conditions.
The intervertebral disc viscoelastic response is governed primarily by its fluid content and flow. Invivo measurements demonstrate that the disc volume, fluid content, height and nucleus pressure completely recover during resting even after diurnal loading with twice longer duration (16 vs. 8 h). In view of much longer periods required for the recovery of disc height and pressure in vitro, concerns have been raised on the fluid inflow through the endplates that might be hampered by clogged blood vessels post mortem. ⋯ The model with free inflow increased segment height and nucleus pressure while the model with no fluid inflow resulted in a relatively small recovery in segment height and a rather constant nucleus pressure during unloading periods. Results highlight an excessive mobile fluid content as well as a restricted fluid inflow through endplates as likely causes of the discrepancies between in vivo and in vitro studies. To replicate in vivo conditions in vitro and in silico, disc hydration level should be controlled by adequate selection of preload magnitude/period and/or mobile fluid porosity.