International journal of prisoner health
Int J Prison Health · Jan 2009
Monitoring harm reduction in European prisons via the Dublin Declaration.
The Dublin Declaration on Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia is the key policy document on HIV/AIDS in the European Region as a whole Among the Declaration's 33 actions for governments are many that apply to prison populations. Based upon an analysis of these commitments, and a review of the current status of states in meeting those targets, it is clear that the scale-up of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programmes and services in prisons lags far behind what is needed, what is available outside of prisons, and what is mandated within the Declaration itself.
Int J Prison Health · Jan 2009
When detainees have a disability: Their rights and fundamental freedoms.
This article describes and clarifies the human rights of persons with disabilities in the context of detention in light of the recently adopted and already in force Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Convention). Focusing on the Convention, the article sheds light on the legality of certain forms of detention affecting persons with disabilities, the substantive and procedural requirements for their detention, and on their rights in relation to conditions of detention. This article also provides an account of the different treatments and practices inflicted on persons with disabilities in prisons and other institutions and assesses whether they constitute torture and ill treatment. The authors argue that the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities represents a paradigm shift that requires States to modify and adopt laws, policies and practices that fully respect the right to liberty of persons with disabilities, and their equal enjoyment of rights while in detention, including the right to be free from torture and ill treatment.
Int J Prison Health · Jan 2009
Women's health and prisons: it's time for urgent action. A report from the WHO Health in Prisons Project Annual Conference 'Prisons and Women's Health' 13 November 2008, Kiev, Ukraine.
The strongest international recognition of the importance of women's health in prisons and the urgent need for radical change was highlighted of a WHO Conference held recently in Kiev, Ukraine.