Journal of cardiovascular medicine
J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) · Feb 2007
ReviewAutografts, homografts, and xenografts: overview on stentless aortic valve surgery.
Stentless valves, either human (autografts, homografts) or animal (porcine xenografts), were historically among the first substitutes to be used to replace the diseased aortic valve. Forty years after those pioneering days and 15 years after revival of such valves, stentless grafts have become a mainstay in aortic surgery. Although limitations associated with the use of autografts, homografts and xenografts remain, stentless valves have profoundly improved quality of life after aortic valve/root replacement. In addition, stentless surgery has greatly advanced the understanding of aortic root anatomy, physiology and pathology among surgeons.
J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown) · Feb 2007
ReviewAcute type A aortic dissection: an update on a still challenging disease.
The aim of this report is to offer a concise review of the current knowledge of type A aortic dissection aetiology and pathogenesis, to propose an updated diagnostic algorithm, to provide descriptions of current surgical and endovascular techniques for treatment, and to emphasise criteria for patient follow-up. Additional information regarding the institutional experience developed in a tertiary university hospital with a 25-year exposure to aortic dissection is also included to provide a comprehensive view of a clinical entity that still challenges physicians and surgeons.