Giornale italiano di cardiologia : organo ufficiale della Federazione italiana di cardiologia : organo ufficiale della Società italiana di chirurgia cardiaca
G Ital Cardiol (Rome) · Jul 2009
Review[Inotrope therapy in acute heart failure: a critical review of clinical and scientific evidence for levosimendan in the context of traditional treatment].
The clinical heterogeneity of acute heart failure and the low number of controlled trials, to date, are the main causes of the lack of agreement on therapeutic objectives, uncertainty on the most appropriate management, and difficulties to obtain robust evidence for the treatment of this syndrome. The inappropriate use of inotropic agents is one the most common pitfalls shown by registries. Two to 10% of patients admitted for acute heart failure present with a low output syndrome, a clinical profile associated with high mortality, where inotropes may be a rational therapeutic choice. ⋯ These effects may translate in myocardial ischemia, loss of cardiomyocytes and accelerated ventricular remodeling with worse prognosis. Levosimendan, a novel inotropic agent studied according to the principles of evidence-based medicine, augments myocardial contractility without changes in intracellular calcium concentrations, and with minimal impact on myocardial oxygen consumption. This paper, based on an expert consensus, aims to suggest criteria for the appropriate use of inotropic agents in acute heart failure, based on a critical appraisal of the existing evidence and clinical experience.
G Ital Cardiol (Rome) · Jun 2009
Review[Pulmonary arterial hypertension. Part II: Medical and surgical treatment].
Treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (group 1 of clinical classification) has been recently characterized by important progresses, particularly in pharmacological therapy. Only until few years ago, patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension were treated with non-specific drugs, such as diuretics and digoxin for right heart failure and calcium-channel blockers in the minority of cases, responders to the acute vasoreactivity test. In addition, use of oral anticoagulant treatment was supported by uncontrolled studies. ⋯ Combination therapy should be performed only in specialized centers with large experience on use of targeted therapies and their relevant side effects. In case of failure of medical therapy, possible options are balloon atrial septostomy and/or listing for lung or heart-lung transplantation. As available treatments do not constitute a cure for pulmonary arterial hypertension, further progresses are expected in the near future.
The evaluation of acute chest pain remains challenging, despite many insights and innovations over the past two decades. The percentage of patients presenting at the emergency department with acute chest pain who are subsequently admitted to the hospital appears to be increasing. ⋯ Therefore, with increasing economic pressures on health care, physicians and administrators are interested in improving the efficiency of care for patients with acute chest pain. Since the emergency department organization (i.e. the availability of an intensive observational area) and integration of care and treatment between emergency physicians and cardiologists greatly differ over the national territory, the purpose of the present position paper is two-fold: first, to review the evidence-based efficacy and utility of various diagnostic tools, and, second, to delineate the basic critical pathways (describing key steps for care and treatment) that need to be implemented in order to standardize and expedite the evaluation of chest pain patients, making their diagnosis and treatment as uniform as possible across the country.
G Ital Cardiol (Rome) · Jan 2009
Review Comparative Study[Evaluation of "complex syncope: what are the indications for second-level investigations?].
Syncope is a common symptom accounting for 1.1% of all admissions to the emergency department in Italy. Diagnostic and therapeutic management of patients with syncope may be complex and with a major impact on health expenditure. A standardized approach to syncope may reduce diagnostic tests, hospitalizations and health costs. ⋯ It has been shown that a correct initial evaluation and a thorough knowledge of syncope can reduce needless testing and increase diagnostic yield, optimizing resource management. In this review we aim to underscore the key points of the management of patients with syncope and the main indications for specific second-level examinations, such as those for neuroautonomic evaluation (tilt table test, carotid sinus massage) and implantable loop recorder. The role of Syncope Units in the management of patients with temporary loss of consciousness is also described.